Is Downline Building for Your Company, or Are You Better Off Without It

Jan 25


Jason Pearson

Jason Pearson

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Are you working on becoming a big internet marketing success? Is downline building being thrown at you as the only way to achieve such success? Depending on who you are will determine whether it is a necessity in your business or not.


Forgetting what you have been told in the past regarding downline building,Is Downline Building for Your Company, or Are You Better Off Without It Articles take a look at a few of the mega super stars of internet business. Does Google, Youtube, or Myspace require downline building to be successful? Sites like Myspace and Facebook both need pools of users. There is a need for networks of friends on places like Myspace and Squidoo from a marketing perspective, but it is not necessary for them to build a downline.

Do you think the skill of building a downline is necessary to become successful? It is a safe bet that if you have been on any Guru’s list they have most likely spewed the praises of downline building, even requiring you to become a member of one of their own.

If you look into the pockets of the list owning Guru and the online marketer tacked onto the downline, you will see who truly benefited from the deal. The people who make the most money in downline building is the list owner or program owner, not the online marketer who is struggling to build one of his own with a handful of sign ups.

The question to ask yourself is what kind of person are you. Not whether downline building is necessary for success. By determining the kind of person you are you can determine if downline building will be a desired skill for you to use in your business. You want to choose the best business model to suit your personality. One may think knowing themselves is an easy task to conquer. Many people find it hard to tell the difference between who they would like to be and who they truly are. If you find yourself to be a team player, a cheerleader, someone who finds themselves answering the same questions repeatedly than any online marketing career that entails downline building is a good fit for you.

If you find that you are a take charge kind of person. One who has no problems taking responsibility for your own actions and choices, then you may want to avoid any career that involves downline building. You would enjoy a career that requires you to be a lone wolf so to speak. If you find yourself drawn to the take charge of your own destiny scenario then you will be glad to know downline building is not a prerequisite to being a prosperous online Marketer.

Most website owners have little need for downline building. If they can grow a descent list of customers, build traffic to their website, and maybe eventually grow a list of their own affiliates they will find they can expand their business quit well on their own.

If you are finding the task of downline building to be arduous and more of a hassle than an advantage then do now fear, it is not a needed skill. You should stop, evaluate where you are and maybe you will find you need a business that dominates the internet rather than one that blends in with the millions of others. In the end it is important to follow your heart and find a business that emulates your personality.