One of the bits of feedback I've gotten many times from myezine readers is that they want more how-to ... ... them "what" to do to: build their ... drive ... to their web
One of the bits of feedback I've gotten many times from my
ezine readers is that they want more how-to articles. Everyone
tells them "what" to do to: build their business, drive more
traffic to their websites, make more sales, etc. However, very
few people tell them "how". Many readers have told me that
they really want step-by-step how-to articles. Newbies to your
business are looking for this same how-to information.
How can you use that tidbit of information in your business?
We'll... if you use ezine articles to reach your audience, it's
simply writing articles that give them the step-by-step
instructions on how to do whatever the article is about.
That actually makes many articles very easy to write. Simply
list the steps involved in a task, elaborate a little, choose
an enticing title and your article is done. What could be easier?
If you publish an ezine, you can benefit from that bit of
insight by writing or choosing articles that really tell readers
how to solve their pressing problems. That makes it easier to
choose from the countless articles submitted to you. Select
the ones that provide detailed how-to information. It's what
your readers want.
If you have a niche website, give your visitors some
step-by-step instructions on how to do whatever the site is
about. I do this on one of my cooking websites for example.
It works beautifully and generates massive repeat visitor,
and buyers for my cookbooks :-) Pages on your site that
outline a procedure step-by-step usually end up with lots
of outside links pointing to them. Something as simple as:
- How to create an ebook cover
- How to house-train a dog
- How to build your child’s self-esteem
- How to optimize a web page
- How to write powerful guarantees
... these are powerful topics that will bring traffic to your
website for years to come.
If you conduct seminars or tele-seminars, make sure that
you are telling your attendees exactly what they want ...
which is how-to do whatever the topic of your seminar is
about. They don't want you to explain in general terms.
They want very specific instructions. Deliver this, and you'll
develop a steady following.
Now here is the reason that telling your subscribers and visitors
"how" to do things work so well. Many of the writers in the
ezines your subscribers read, and many of the webmasters at sites
your visitors frequent they have *no clue* how to do what the
visitor is researching. So they can't tell them how to do it. If you
can, and do provide them with this much-sought-after information
you really distinguish yourself and showcase your expertise.
Your credibility increases many-fold.
Start distinguishing yourself today. Begin teaching your readers,
customers, and website visitors How To. They will absolutely love
you for it, and you will thank me for all the additional business
you're getting as a result of this little tip.
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