Marketing in Your Free Time
How to do marketing during your spare time
You might have the weekend off,

but that isn’t any reason to stop promoting your business. A small business owner is going to eventually come to realize that if you really want to get your sales going you’re going to have to embrace your marketing a lot more than most companies.The great thing to do is figure out some creative and fun ways to get your promoting going. Make sure when you get your color printing taken care of you get a lot of copies of whatever you’re having printed, whether it’s flyers, brochures, business cards, or anything else.Now, what you do is make sure that wherever you’re going for fun each weekend, always have some of those flyers or brochures with you. Never shy away from asking a business if you can put up a flyer or leave some brochures for people to pick up.When it comes to business cards this is a lot easier since you’re likely to have business cards on you anyways. Make sure that you never lose an opportunity to hand someone a card. If you strike up a conversation with someone, see if this would be a good chance to hand them a card. If you didn’t bring any you’ll never know if you just lost the opportunity for a future client.Another creative idea is to get some t-shirt printed up with your company logo on the front and back. You might even consider handing them out to people in order to get as many people walking around with your company logo displayed for all to see. I have plenty of t-shirts in my drawer right now that were handouts from other companies, and each time I wear them I’m helping to promote them.Take the different hobbies you have and see if there are any groups related to them in your area. See if you can help promote them, or sponsor different activities for everyone. That way you can help combine the costs of your color printing with something you would’ve wanted to do for fun anyways, and you have a great chance to generate business from people who share an interest with you.These are just a few of the ways you can make sure that you’re always promoting yourself. Life is surrounded by great opportunities to help promote your business if you know what to look for and you aren’t afraid to seize an opportunity.The successful business owner is going to be the one who realizes that promoting your business is going to be just as much of a full time job as performing the job itself. It might be a lot of work, but when you see your business flourish you’ll be happy you took the time aside to create some high quality marketing.