The day had been long and grueling. It began at the crack of dawn, with a deluge of emails to sift through, ads to place in ezines, and new ezines to explore for further ad placements. The day was filled with writing and editing articles, and a constant quest for learning. Despite promising myself a break to unwind in the pool, by 8 p.m., I was still glued to the computer, feeling exhausted, irritable, and famished. The pool remained untouched.
Taking a much-needed break, I stepped outside to the patio. As I sat there, I found myself questioning, "Why am I doing this? Why am I dedicating 10-12 hours a day to the computer?"
This self-interrogation led to a cascade of other questions. Initially, they were:
These questions then gave birth to another set:
And these questions led to yet another set:
And finally:
I believe these are questions we often ask ourselves, especially during times of exhaustion, burnout, and frustration. These are the moments when we feel like failures and believe we will never "get it."
That evening, I was able to answer some of these questions, while others required further contemplation. Particularly, understanding the thin line that separates passion from obsession.
It's crucial to occasionally step away from the computer. We need to ask ourselves these questions and delve into the answers we find. Perhaps the two most important questions are:
As Emerson once said, "It is not the length of life, but the depth of life."
P.S. I threw my alarm clock in the trash.
"The BLACK HOLE Of Internet Marketing"
You can’t wait to get up in the morning to get on the ... You devour ezines. You can’t learn enough in a day. When you’re not on the ... your mind is ... ... and ad copy; materA Letter To Ezine Publishers: With Gratitude
Dear ... am writing this letter to thank you for all the hard work and ... you give to your ezine and to us, your ... I consider ezines a treasure trove of free, ... in"Nothing For Nothing"
One of the best things about writing articles is ... with people. ... Internet ... can seem like an ... sterile ... will write me asking for advice. The main thing