Personalized Tote Bags: Personalize Your Business
Brand awareness is something that all businesses, large and small, strive for. Perhaps you too have invested a little here and there in order for your company to become a household name. If so, you know the value of every advertising dollar. You know where your dollars are best spent and where you will waste money, and you invest accordingly.
Brand awareness is something that all businesses,

large and small, strive for. Perhaps you too have invested a little here and there in order for your company to become a household name. If so, you know the value of every advertising dollar. You know where your dollars are best spent and where you will waste money, and you invest accordingly.
If you have invested wisely and still have fallen short of achieving brand awareness in your neighborhood, maybe you should try personalized tote bags. Free tote bags with your company logo can help you personalize your business and put your logo in people’s imaginations like no other form of advertising.
How so? Brand awareness occurs when consumers think of you as soon as they think of a particular product or service. For example: When asked to say the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of particular products such as shoes and soft drinks, most people will answer with a brand name. While you may not expect to become recognized nationally, your name should be on the tip of local people’s tongues as soon as they think about your industry.
Free promotional giveaways such as personalized tote bags are ideal for this type of advertising. When you give someone something that they can use in their daily lives, they will do so. When they do, they will see your logo. Pretty soon, your logo will become linked in their mind with the products and services that you offer.
And it doesn’t stop there. Tote bags are carried to the beach, the library, the grocery store, the gym and out in the general public. Whenever one of your personalized bags is carried out in public, other people get to see your logo. It’s like free “word of mouth” advertising except that no one has to say a word. Just by carrying your bags, people are advertising and endorsing your business.
In order to become well known in your community, you need to do a lot of advertising. Consumers have to hear and see you daily. Let’s face it, radio and television ads are expensive as are newspaper ads. Most businesses cannot afford to advertise using these venues very often. Promotional items are a great way to advertise daily without spending a fortune.
So, if you want consumers to think of you first, you need to seriously consider giving away promotional items. Tote bags and other useful freebies can advertise your business like no other form of advertising can. Plus, they keep on advertising as long as they are in existence. Just think…If you give away 100 tote bags, it is like putting 100 traveling billboards out in your community.
Kim is the author of If you would like more information about personalized tote bags please visit