The childhood game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey is a fun memory for many. Blindfolded, we would spin around and attempt to pin a cardboard tail onto a donkey poster. The challenge was in the lack of sight, often leading to missed attempts or even giving up. This game, while entertaining as children, is not as amusing when it becomes a metaphor for online marketing. Many people seem to be playing a grown-up version of this game, navigating the world of web marketing blindfolded, often missing the mark or giving up in frustration. This article aims to provide a guide to help you navigate the maze of online marketing.
The internet is filled with promises of "sure shots", "guarantees", and "must-have" products or services. With so many schemes and scams, it can be difficult for inexperienced or intermediate web marketers to find success. Many people miss the mark numerous times, trying various methods of web promotion, before finding a strategy that works. Unfortunately, many give up in frustration, becoming part of the 95% of online businesses that fail.
There is an easier way to navigate the world of online marketing. Here are six laws to live by if you want to find success online:
Rome wasn't built in a day, and your internet success won't happen overnight. Many people believe that starting an online business is a quick path to wealth, but this is not the case. Plan on six months to a year of developing your eBusiness before considering leaving your day job.
Don't be discouraged by the time it takes to build a successful online business. Set small, achievable goals that you can reach each day and week. With proper planning, you will be successful.
Just like any journey, you need a map to ensure you're headed in the right direction. Find a web marketing product that offers ongoing support. More than just manuals and information, you need someone you can ask questions to when you're unsure.
You need your own product. The people who earn the most money online are the ones who control the products and services. Affiliate programs are great, but they should be used as complementary products, not as your main product.
Ongoing support is crucial. You can find this through your web marketing mentor, but also through message boards, forums, and other experienced marketers. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Once you've developed your own product and understand how things work online, launching your own affiliate program is the best way to generate serious income. Combining the marketing power of thousands of other people will help your profits skyrocket.
By following these six laws, you can navigate the maze of online marketing and find success. It's time to take the blindfold off.