Door hanger printing is a cool and alternative marketing strategy. Door hangers are uniquely positioned to deliver your marketing message fast and straight directly to your target market. It is different enough that it will not be considered as junk mail and it is useful enough, that some people might keep it in their homes for long.
However, care must be taken in distributing door hangers. Some “door hanger marketers” get a bad reputation by offending some homeowners with their products,

getting a negative effect in their target audience. That is why it is important to know the proper ways in distributing door hangers. You need to keep your marketing strategy ethical, legal and hopefully more acceptable to your audience.
Below are a few of the proper ways to distribute your marketing door hangers by location.
Distributing in apartment buildings
The easiest location to distribute full color door hangers are in apartment buildings. With several apartments close together, you will have an easy time going through each hallway and each floor while hanging your door hangers. In most cases, people will not mind this. It can be as common as sliding fliers or brochures under the apartment doors.
However, it is a good practice to ask the landlord or building caretaker if it is okay to distribute your door hangers in the whole building. This can gain you an unofficial “permission” to do marketing in that building. Moreover, if you are friendly enough, you can ask the landlord if there are particular tenants, in which you should approach or avoid. This maximizes your marketing effort since you can give your door hangers to the people who are most interested in your product or service.
Marketing in homes
Next, when marketing in homes and neighborhoods there are a few rules that you should consider. First, you need to know if the neighborhood is a tight knit community with neighborhood regulations, or is it just a loose collection of private homes.
For neighborhoods that have regulations, fences and guards you might need to contact their neighborhood association to ask if you can distribute your door hangers. This places you on the safe side since you can get permission to distribute in a community, which may want their privacy, even from marketers. If however no such association exists and it seems that the neighborhood is casual, then feel free and hang your door hangers to homes if you have the opportunity. Just make sure to take proper precautions (from dogs for example) and always be polite when you discover that someone is at home.
Advertising in public places
Some people also try to hang their marketing door hangers in public places. Typically, these are in train or airport comfort rooms and other such locations. The proper protocol here is to ask the building administration if you can distribute your door hangers. You can of course just leave the door hangers without asking permission, but this might net you a bad image from the building officials. It is better to ask permission so that your door hangers will have an official sanction. At least their maintenance personnel will not throw away your door hangers when they see it.
Give away your door hangers
The last and easiest way to distribute your door hangers is to give them away. You can do this by designing a door hanger with a useful message such as “do not disturb”. Make sure that you add a few marketing messages beside or below this message so that you can squeeze in some advertising.
Since the door hanger seems useful, people will pick up your door hanger, especially if it is free. They will use it in their homes, gaining you some exposure within. Also, try to give your loyal customers a free door hanger as well so that they will feel appreciated. Again, this will be an opportunity to bring your marketing message unto their homes.
Therefore, those are the four ways on proper door hanger distribution using different locations and strategies. If you distribute your door hangers properly, they will have a higher chance of being read, which should make the most of the money invested in them worth it.