We all know that choosing the right bag design for the right venue is an important decision when making promotional conference bags, and when dealing with a very classy or ritzy event you will definitely want to go with a fancy promotional conference bag.
Your everyday trade show bag frankly will not cut it, and in the end will reflect poorly on you and your company that you're trying to represent. So for these fancy events take the extra time and spend the extra cash to really do it right and use a fancy promotional conference bag. The extra buzz generated will pay for itself in new clients and new opportunities for your company.
The sky definitely is the limit when designing a fancy promotional conference bag. You are open to choosing any number of different materials and graphic styles that will represent your company well. There are really only two things you want to stay away from. One is cheap plastic construction such as using thin plastic to produce bags reminiscent of a grocery store bag, and the other is using rough cloth materials like canvas or him. Although these cloth materials are perfect for outdoorsy type trade shows, they really do not mesh well with the idea of a fancy promotional conference bag. Similarly while the thin plastic bags are inexpensive they are really too cheap to make any sort of impact at a nice event.
Since you will probably be using your fancy promotional conference bags at an event where you will be stuffing them with goodies you will want to use a bag that has structure to it so that it is able to keep its shape well. The added bonus of a bag with structure is that your logo or slogan will always be stretched out and on display for potential clients to see. There are a few options for fancy promotional bags with structure.
First if you are going to a spring or summer time event than to may wish to consider a woven straw bag. These can be died in the number of colors to better fit with whatever occasion you happen to be attending. The down side to the woven straw promotional bag is that it can look tacky if dyed the wrong color, and it is difficult to cleanly place graphics or text on the bag; so unless you are looking for a plain bag without any type of graphics or text the straw promotional conference bag may not be for you.
Next are plastic bags constructed out of thick walled plastic that keep their shape when empty. You'll find these types of bags at many high-end boutiques and retail stores. These can come in any color imaginable, even transparent, and can cleanly hold any type of text or graphic. The last option is a structured paper bag. These are also found at many high-end boutiques, and just like plastic they are easy to apply graphics to. There are many options for fancy promotional conference bags, so making the right decision is pretty easy. You're not limited by available materials, just your imagination.
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