Salesmanship-How to Handle Different Types of Customer’s Behaviors in your Business
Good salesmanship in your business will boost sales. Your business should focus on getting all the details of what is happening in the market. Information about the market is such a vital weapon for your business. It determines what the customers want and how exactly they want it.
Do you know how to win your customers through salesmanship? Do you have a problem in handling your customers? I pity many business marketers. Why? Well…they get things wrong.
Ten Customer’s Behaviors that Requires Good Salesmanship
1. Calm Behavior
You cannot determine the thoughts of calm customers. Start a friendly conversation with them and the moment they reply,
inquire what they want. Explain to them all they ought to know and by doing this you get sales.
2. Talkative or Argumentative Behavior
These are the customers who pay less attention when it comes to listening. They only want to talk over and over without listening to salesman explanation. They argue and always find faults. To deal with such customers, Shift their concentration towards the product.
3. Disbelieving Behavior
They are always suspicious about salesmanship products and services. They scrutinize your products in an annoying way. Clear their doubts by answering all questions they ask.
4. Nervous Behavior
These customers are the ones that lack confidence, information regarding the products or services and are generally shy. Start a calm and polite conversation with them. Ask them in a friendly manner what their wants are and by doing this they eventually buy your products.
5. Impatient Behavior
They don’t want any delays and they are always in a hurry. They make quick decisions and any conversation with them may raise their tempers. Give them what they want immediately while smiling.
6. Friendly Behavior
These customers are easy to take care of. They are cheerful having no pride or any egoism. They always talk to you in a friendly and pleasant manner. These customers are the ones that actually spread a positive word about your business. As a salesman, you should not cheat them and you should always handle them in a friendly and caring manner.
7. Hesitant Behavior
These customers have not cleared their mind fully in regard with what exactly they want. They are unsettled about the varieties of a particular product. To deal with them as a salesman, you should explain to them the details regarding each variety of a particular product.
8. Rude Behavior
These are the customers who are under the influence of drugs or they perceive themselves to be heroes. They are the problem creators. They are uncontrollable regarding their freedom. You should not raise their tempers. Listen to them and explain to them what they ask.
9. Shoppers Behavior
They are the type of customers that seek information about products, their pricing, purpose etc without the intention of buying them at that moment. The salesman should welcome them and give them the necessary information they want. They may buy next time.
10. Without Aim Behavior
They are the ones that like bargaining. They like auctioned sales or seasonal sales. The salesman should deal with them by describing the products that are under action sales and seasonal sale.
Good salesmanship is all about handling all these behaviors.