Save your time and money by using niche marketing. Reaching a smaller crowd is much easier, with larger results. Mass marketing may sound appealing, but proves to be much harder, with smaller results.
If your money means little to you, and you don’t mind blowing most of your budget on advertising with little results, I suggest you use mass marketing. It guarantees to eat up a majority of you budget, and suck you dry of most of your time. On the flip side, if you want to have an effective , less costly add campaign you will want to look into niche marketing.
Mass marketing can help you spread the word of you product or service far and wide. You will reach thousands upon thousands of people with your message. The drawbacks to this kind of advertising is, just because you message makes it to peoples inbox does not mean they will open it, or even receive it. In essence you are spending large amounts of time and money on the hopes people will take notice of your message, when reality is many people won’t even glance at it. Niche marketing, however, is targeted at people who will be interested in what you are selling. It will cost less, and receive better results from your niche marketing strategy.
It is a simple fact that it is easier to attract a smaller crowd rather than a bigger one. You will have a higher chance at being heard by all, rather than trying to reach the multitudes with little interest. It takes more money and recourses to be heard by a large group rather than a small one with the same interest.
When creating an ad to send out, it is much easier and less time consuming to create one for a niche audience. When designed especially according to the interest of your specific audience you will find a larger percentage of your audience responding to the ad. You will be providing a product or service that attracts your niche target beliefs, interests, and wants, you will demand their attention because you are able to provide a product or service that actually solves their problem.
The difference between mass marketing and niche marketing is the impact your message will have. With niche marketing your offer is focused and you can target a specific group making your benefits more precise. Your impact will be much greater than mass marketing.
Before you continue to promote your ad to the masses and pray that some would consider what you are offering, think about niche marketing. You will find it more effective, and cost less than trying to real in such a large crowd, you will get the results you desire with a smaller condensed group of customers.
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