The Resurrection of Salon and Spa Group.
How one company went from being on the verge of closing it's doors to an industry leader seemingly overnight.
It's no mystery that Salon and Spa Group,

LLC is a company that hassuffered from poor customer service over the past 7 years.Randy Conklin purchased Salon and Spa Group back in June of 2008. Seeinggreat potential in a company that just needed a little TLC and some guidance anddirection for it's office staff which was entirely Vietnamese at the time, Randy chose to diversify the company and hire additional staff to include and equal number of American Employees. "Each ethnicity brings it's own individual qualities to the business. The Vietnamese are a close knit, well networked, and intensely loyal group of people. While Americans seem to have the market cornered as far as customer service goes. Each brings something very valuable to our business.Our main focus has been in providing the best customer service that can be found in the Salon and Spa industry. "We will do whatever it takes to make our customers happy, and that philosophy has become a mantra with our employees.What has the effect been on Salon and Spa Group? In less than 1 year's time wehave doubled our sales. One of the greatest testaments to our new and improved success comes from the words of clients once thought to hate Salon and Spa Group. We've had to change the companies philosophy about customer service, which honestly was not very good, go into a sort of damage control mode and do everything we could to undo some of the damage caused by the previous owner. We have "DELIGHTED" these customers, and are delighted ourselves to see themreturn to a business relationship with us which now is built on trust.The second stage of the new and improved Salon and Spa Group!Salon and Spa Group prepares for a new, improved and technologically advancedline of pedicure chairs and tubs.In April of 2009, the President and CEO of Salon and Spa Group embarked on a month long Research and Development based business trip to Shanghai China. Meeting with several of our suppliers and expressing concerns and issues that have been voiced to us by our current clients, the main objective was in improving upon our current line of pedicure tubs and chairs.As a result of this trip Salon and Spa Group has designed a new line of pedicure chairs; the Princess 4 series that in our opinion are state of the art in both design and technology. The Princess 4 will be posted on our website in June, 2009. This new line of pedicure chairs has also opened up the way for us to liquidate our current inventory in the clearance sale section of our website.In addition to the new line of Princess pedicure tubs, we have begun the prototype and the patenting process for a never before seen technology that will be incorporated into yet another new line of pedicure spas.We'll keep you posted!Who is Salon and Spa Group?Salon & Spa Group is an American owned manufacturer of salon furniture,pedicure chairs and spas. We will provide our customers with the highestquality, best price and exceptional customer service.With the largest salon furniture showroom in the southeast, you're sure to find the best deals on nail tables, manicure tables, pedicure spas, and more.Visit our showroom and see why we are considered the top source for spa furniture and equipment in the Southeast.What Makes Us Different?High Quality Salon Furniture & Equipment - We are a manufacturing based company delivering the highest quality nail salon furniture, pedicure chairs and equipment.Affordable Prices - Buy from the manufacturer and save. We manufacture our salonfurniture and chairs here on site in Norcross Georgia.Large Selection - We offer a huge selection of salon furniture and equipment, including pedicure spas, salon chairs, nail tables, accessory carts and more.Impeccable Customer Service – We take pride in having the best customer supportnetwork available in the industry.Financing Available – Salon and Spa Group has several financing solutions for you.You get the best of both worlds - salon furniture and salon financing.If you, as a salon owner have any questions about marketing, web design, direct mail, advertising or any other marketing based ways to improve your business, email your inquiries or call:Salon and Spa