Printed booklets have several variations in terms of their type and use. If you are doing booklet printing for your business,

it is important to know these types. Knowing the right type to use for a specific business objective will maximize a booklet’s usefulness.
There are four main types that you can go for, when booklet printing. There are the sales booklets, the instructional manuals, Event Programs and the Public Relation kit booklets.
Sales booklets - The sales booklet is one of the most common booklet types out there. It is also the most commonly used tool by businesses to promote certain products or services. Unlike catalogs however, sales booklets focus more on detailed information for a particular subject.
Usually, it should have a description of one or two products, their specifications and even some instructions on how to use them. They do not carry the whole store with them, as catalogs do. Therefore, if you want to feature only one specific product or service, sales booklets are the way to go.
Manuals - Another very common booklet type is the training manual type of booklet. Instruction manuals for devices, standard procedures and other such activities all come in the form of a small booklet. This means that for your business, you can use a booklet to print training procedures for new employees, or you can also create reference guides for people to refresh their knowledge of a particular subject.
Event Programs - For events such as theatrical presentations, conferences and other such gatherings, the booklet will come in the form of a program guide. Program guides basically tell people what to expect in an event by telling them its details.
This includes the people who will be performing or managing the event, the goals of the gathering, the order of events and a teaser or short description of its content. Event programs are not as useful to businesses as the other kinds are, but if your business is hosting an event, or if you are in the theatrical industry, this may apply to you.
Public Relations Kit - Lastly, booklets can come in the form of a public relations kit. You can print a small color booklet that has the details of you company, its mission, philosophy, goals and of course its products. Booklets that are for public relations usually are exquisitely made and are distributed to investors, clients and of course to the media in general. Public Relations kits are extremely useful in uplifting the image of a company in the eyes of the public.
Those are the four common types of booklets that you can choose from for you business. Just pick what the best one is for you.