If you're familiar with the works of Napoleon Hill, you know that one of his ... Laws Of Success is the Lawof ... ... sounds ... but how can you use it in your ...
If you're familiar with the works of Napoleon Hill, you
know that one of his seventeen Laws Of Success is the Law
of Specialized Knowledge.
It sounds impressive, but how can you use it in your
You can use it to specialize in what types of products or
services you'll promote. That's a start, but I've found
another way that you can use it and save yourself:
<> time
<> money
<> aggravation.
When I first started building my business, I was under the
mistaken impression that more was better.
After wasting a lot of time and getting myself aggravated,
I realized that only a few methods of promotion actually
produced results worth the time spent.
If you broke online marketing methods down, you'd find
there are only a handful that will produce any significant
Once I realized that:
<> My profits went up
<> I wasted less time
<> I had a lot less headaches
Now I've come to realize that I could further narrow my
efforts down to one method of promotion. I could see the
results every time I used it.
After all these years of floundering I realize that I can
make a living online, doing nothing more that writing
articles such as this one.
Does that mean writing articles is the only method that
will work for you?
No. You have to find what works for you.
Once you've found it specialize and watch your profits soar.
Maybe you're good at achieving high rankings in the search
engines. Maybe your best results come from placing solo ads
in ezines.
The exact method doesn't matter. Once you've found what
works for you, put on your blinders and concentrate on
improving your implementation.
Become a marketing specialist. Study everything you can on
how to get the most mileage from your specialized knowledge.
Become the best at YOUR promotional method and watch your
profits soar and your business grow.
Put the LAW OF SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE on your side and you'll
find reaching your goals a lot easier.
Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution?
Are You Ready For The ... ... by John Colanzi ... has ... been ... a solitary ... wrote you article or book in ... You suMy Dumbest Marketing Blunder And How You Can Avoid Making It
My Dumbest ... Blunder And How You Can Avoid Making It by John Colanzi ... I started ... Ezine ... I never ... true power. I was just happyDon't Make It Personal
Most of us have an inherent need to be liked. We wantto be nice guys or gals and it upsets us when we receive angry emails or ... if you're going to do business online you're goingto have to l