Do you want your advanced article marketing to work so well, you will realize triple, even quadruple sales at your site? And, never have to go back to expensive, hard work publicity or marketing campaigns? Now, you can get a head start to get more visibility for your book or business and high sales when you pay attention to these mistakes many new article authors make.
Have you submitted articles to the high-traffic web sites and article directories, but had few people come to your site to buy?
Do you want your advanced article marketing to work so well, you will realize triple, even quadruple sales at your site? And, never have to go back to expensive, hard work publicity or marketing campaigns?
Now, you can get a head start to get more visibility for your book or business and high sales when you pay attention to these mistakes many new article authors make.
1. Check your title.
Is it too general, weak or boring? Remember to include a benefit in the title to compel your readers to read the rest. Your article can't be all things to all people, so the more targeted your title is, the more qualified web visitors will visit your site. Have more than one audience? Revamp the article slanted to the new audience.
2. Check your article's opening.
It has to hook your readers right way. Ask some questions about where your audience is now with their challenges. Notice in this article, the thesis and benefits for the article follows the hook. This same format works well with book chapter writing. If you want more people reading your article, always include the why for reading it near the top.
3. Notice too long paragraphs..
When people read your article, they want the information fast and easy. Your readers will skip your long-winded paragraphs. Did you know that over 17 words in one sentence is considered difficult? Make it easy for your reader to get your points with just one point in each paragraph.
4. Notice how hard or easy your article reads. Your reader wants to skim, looking for your best main ideas.. Give them numbered points so they can follow the flow of your information.
5. Check pompous words and jargon. Choose the shortest word to make your point. Think "use" for "utilize." .You will turn off your readers with long words or jargon from a particular industry they may not know. Leave academia behind. Today's business audience wants short and clear active sentences.
6. Check out the three ingredients that make advanced article marketing work. Without a professional web site or one that looks good, but doesn't have sales copy, your articles will do little good. Without well-edited articles people won't read them and sites won't publish them. Without an excellent service or product and sales letter people won't buy.
7. Check out your resource box, often called the web bio.Forget your credentials and focus on the benefits and a free offer such as a report or ezine. People will click on a free offer, not visit your site to buy necessarily.
8. Notice what your email address says about you.When you brand your email with your name and your business you show you are serious about business. If you use AOL or a free account, you show you are not the professional people can trust. When you mix up a lot of unrelated letters and numbers, mistakes transferring it are easily made and it is hard to remember. This low-cost way to publicize yourself is a must. Use your name and your business name in your email address.
9. Watch careless errors. They reflect you are careless in your work. Always spell check and grammar check your work. And, exchange articles with peers to get the best version possible to send out.
10. Rethink your resource box. One mistake your coach made was to write one too long that included several book titles and links. Her articles did not get published until she shortened the bio. Keep it simple and just 4-5 lines. Include the URL at the end.
When you spend a little time learning the advanced article marketing insights from one who has gone before you for five years, you will save a lot of time and money mistakes.
Judy Cullinsc. 2007
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