Trust and Testimonials Go Hand in Hand
How trust and testimonials could go hand in hand
The chief goal of any company is to get people to trust them. When I go into a store and buy something I’m trusting that they’re the best person for me to buy from. For some businesses this is easier to come by,

because the kind of trust you need is different.
Retails stores usually require a low enough price or good enough service to get people placing their trust in them. If you advertise the lowest price around, that’s all people really need to see, and they’ll be willing to shop with you.
But for the service industry trust can become a very important aspect of selling yourself to people, and a lot of money is spent each year on commercial printing that has the sole focus of developing trust.
The nature of that commercial printing changes as well. Getting a postcard in the mail from a department store telling you about an upcoming sale is a great way for them to let people know they can get a good deal. A lawyer or doctor isn’t likely to have the same kind of success with the postcard format.
Instead you need to let people know what your experiences are and what services you can provide them. This is why brochures are often more commonly used with service industry jobs.
And testimonials are what go best with the brochure format. This is the end all best way to start developing trust in people. Showing them someone else who used your services and came away happy will be so much more effective than just hearing it from you, because let’s face it, you’re biased.
I know when I meet someone who suggests a good place to eat or a good plumber to use I’m likely to follow their advice. Even if I don’t know the person very well, just hearing that they’re satisfied is enough to alleviate many of my potential doubts. I now know that someone used them and liked the job they did, something a normal advertisement wouldn’t tell me.
Your job then becomes finding those customers and getting them to allow you to use their testimonial. A brochure filled with different testimonials will have a very noticeable impact. You can provide people with exactly what they’re looking for: proof that you know how to do your job and you’ll do the best job possible.
I’m sure the way you approach companies is exactly the same. Isn’t it just nice to have someone tell you that this particular person does a great job? This is what you’re providing to your future customers.
No promotional brochure should be without a testimonial. You’ll gain a degree of credibility it’s hard to get otherwise. Let your loyal customers speak up, and reap the benefits of your good service.