What Your Yoga Instructor Can Teach You About an Online Marketing Campaign

Apr 12


Helen Graves

Helen Graves

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The biggest mistake service-based small business owners are making is thinking a product or program will sell itself.

There’s a gigantic,What Your Yoga Instructor Can Teach You About an Online Marketing Campaign Articles massive mistake that many heart-centered, service-based small business owners are making with their online marketing. And that is thinking that a product or program is going to sell itself.

Online marketing can seem magical in many ways.

I mean, think about it, you can communicate with the touch of a button, spread your message across the globe, and have adoring clients you’ve never met in person. So it makes sense that when some marketing professional tells you that all you have to do is create your first info product and you’ll be raking in the dough – it sounds believable.

The drawback is it’s just not true. And I hate hearing the self-blame in her voice when someone calls to talk with me about why she just experienced “failure to launch.”

5- and 6-figure online launches are not a myth – my clients and I have had them, and they can happen for you too. But the truth of the matter is, there’s no shortcut to making them happen. You need to assemble the ingredients and bake the cake before you can enjoy eating it.

In this case, your online campaign is like a yoga posture. It requires practice.

You can certainly get results right away - and those results improve dramatically with practice and repetition. The first time you do it will likely feel like a stretch (quite literally). Nevertheless, you get better over time until pretty soon it becomes very natural for you, right?

BUT. . .

. . .if you’re doing it wrong from the beginning, you won’t get the benefits you want no matter how often you practice. And you could be doing real injury to yourself along the way. So it’s wise to have an instructor who can gently reposition that arm or straighten that leg to keep it aligned.

The same is true for your online marketing campaigns. So, let me offer you three keys to keeping your launches “in alignment.”

Key #1 – Don’t force it

It’s good to have a sense of purpose about your launch but don’t stress and strain. The heavy energy will keep potential clients away.

Key #2 – Be strategic

Have a plan of action; know what you’re doing to market that product (or program or service) every single day of your launch. Marketing in the moment won’t have the strength of a well-planned campaign.

Key #3 – Allow time for momentum and anticipation to build

It’s just as important to spend time preparing your audience to buy as it is to spend time preparing the “thing” you’re offering. You know how wonderful your product or program is, but they need to be thoroughly clued in as well.

You can’t make an impact if people aren’t buying what you’re offering. You’ll see a difference in sales if use these keys in your next online campaign. Promise.