If a genie suddenly popped out of a bottle and offered to answer to any question that has been troubling you,

what would you ask? That was pretty much the situation posed to thousands of metaphysically oriented people recently when they were given the opportunity to solicit the aid of higher consciousness.
Not surprisingly, the majority of the questions concerned personal predicaments. Here's a fairly representative example: "I have been on a spiritual path for fifteen years. I am a vegetarian. I meditate and do yoga. I am a healer and am always offering myself in service to others. Why can't I have the perfect relationship? Please help me. Thank you, Mary."
Mary is typical of the many Light Workers who responded. She feels stuck, disempowered, and more than a little frustrated by the condition of her life, and she wants (almost desperately) to find a way out. This presents a curious dilemma, for in the perception of higher consciousness, Mary's problem has already been surmounted - only she hasn't yet realized this, so she herself continues to perpetuate it.
Within the laws of the illusion created by the Veil of Forgetting (the energetic barrier that separates each human incarnating on Earth from knowing who he or she truly is), problems arise purely out of preference. When you find yourself in a less than optimum situation, it is because the condition
as you perceive it clashes with how you would like things to be. If you could look from a higher perspective, you would recognize the perfection of your circumstance, the great care and intent expended in its creation, and the lesson it offers for your growth. And you would realize that the answers you seek are already with you. But while this may be lovely theory, it has little value unless you can do it.
It's always tempting to ask an expanded intelligence to intervene and fix the problem for you, but this also means giving your power away. Given the choice, wouldn't you prefer to learn how to resolve problems by yourself? There is a wonderful saying attributed to the Chinese:
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. It is in this spirit that we offer the following information.
The key to the solution is embedded right in Mary's question, hidden so cleverly in plain view that the questioner rarely sees it. Her question, like almost all the others we received, is centered on the pronouns "I," "myself," and "me." "Of course," you might think. "After all, who else but I is experiencing the problem, and who else but I wishes to know the fix?" Beware, however, of truths that seem self-evident. They often turn out to be glib but false axioms that you-like most humans experiencing the world behind the Veil - assume are immutable.
As Albert Einstein delighted in reminding his associates, it is impossible to solve problems at the level of their creation. What this refers to is not the need for more intelligence and information but rather an increased awareness, or consciousness. It is simply another way of expressing one of the universal truths of Creation:
What you see depends on where you're looking from. A problem persists only as long as the person experiencing it clings to his or her existing viewpoint.
There is no area of conflict on your planet today - personal, national, or global - that is not rooted in this simple principle. One faction wages war against another only because of differences in the points from which they view. There is no objective right or wrong; there is only perception. The solution is not compromise, for compromise can cripple the spirit and most often results in mutual dissatisfaction and covert resentment. Resolving the issue requires that both parties let go of their personality viewpoints (expressed as belief systems) and rise above the level of conflict to meet in a new field where both are seeing in a new way.
It is the same with an individual's problems. Therapy and processing only help you adjust to what is an unpleasant circumstance. The real solution is to let go of the viewpoint that keeps you stuck and expand into a greater level of consciousness.
"So," you might ask, "can I become more conscious?" The response is "Yes and no." Why such an evasive answer? Because the question holds the very glossed-over, self-evident assumption that lies at the heart of your difficulties. Which I are you speaking about? If you think there is only one, then there is much to reconsider.
Despite what you think, the I that you know yourself to be is not a limited, fixed entity. Rather, it extends from your lower egoic self (the part that identifies with your day-to-day experiences) through your soul self to God. In all Creation, there is in fact only the One manifesting itself in infinite expression, of which your "little I" is a wondrously significant part. Imagine that the total you is an infinite continuum of I's - similar to the way the light spectrum emerges from infrared at its lowest portion and extends through the seven visible colors until it disappears once again into ultraviolet. When you use any first-person pronoun (I, me, my, we, our) to refer to the totality of yourself (or yourself plus another), you unconsciously limit your focus to the red (lowest) portion of the continuum, dismissing all the other colors. This is precisely the part of you that created the problem and now has fallen victim to it. The higher aspects of your being - the points of view from which your dilemma would resolve in the twinkling of an eye - are out of the equation.
What you experience when you perceive yourself in the throes of a problem is simply radical separation-disconnection from the knowledge of who you really are. To resolve the issue, all you need to do is reconnect with who you really are. Paradoxically, however, in order to
intentionally connect or unify you must first
intentionally disconnect or separate.
The first lesson: Objectifying "I"
The first lesson of this message, then, is creating intentional separation. This lesson consists of three simple exercises. The first is relatively easy: simply rephrase your question, substituting your given (first) name for the pronoun "I" or "me." For example, you might be asking: "I am a caring person who loves to serve others; why am I unable to attract the perfect man into my life?" Rephrase this as: "Why is Mary (to use our earlier example), who is a caring person and world server, unable to attract the perfect man into her life?" This instantly creates parallax, a second point from which you can simultaneously view. Incidentally, that is how your eyes - separated by a mere 2 1/4 inches - create the illusion of depth.
By re-asking your question in the third person, you not only create a first level of separation from the I that appears enmeshed in the problem, but you invite in a host of other parts of you (different lower subpersonalities and higher aspects of your I-continuum) to comment or offer suggestions. Your many other I's place at your disposal both different perspectives and varying amounts of awareness or consciousness, depending on their roles in your life and their place on the spectrum.
Are you any of them? Again, yes and no - depending on which aspect is asking the question. Each of them is a part of you, but you are far more than the sum of these parts. In fact, the essential you is none of them, just as the orchestra conductor - though indispensable for unifying the performance of a seventy-piece orchestra - doesn't play a single note.
Unless you disengage from the dominant subpersonalities that have run your life since you were a toddler - that is, until you see that they are a part of you but the essential you is none of them - you can't create a sturdy and reliable enough foundation to carry out the mission you came to Earth to perform. Too often, people take up lives of service who cannot successfully tie their own metaphoric shoelaces. That's like an artist seeking extraordinary new ways of expression before being thoroughly grounded in traditional technique. Consider Picasso, for instance, who began his artistic life painting in the classical style before departing into the fanciful worlds of cubism and other innovative abstract interpretations.
The second exercise in this lesson is about exploring why you are facing this particular problem. What if this situation was created specifically for you? What are you supposed to learn from it? Is it part of a recurring pattern? But as you contemplate these questions, use your name rather than "I." For example: "Why is the universe going to such great lengths to deny Mary the perfect man in her life? Is there something Mary isn't seeing or is unwilling to look at? Has this happened to Mary before, in other ways?"
Do not rush this exercise by accepting the first convenient answer that pops into your mind. Instead, hold the inquiry in your mind as you go through the day. It will work as a filtering lens that attracts and sorts information in a most extraordinary manner. Synchronous events will occur that provide important insights, expanding your Awareness in unforeseen ways. You may also begin receiving powerful dream messages that will shed further light on what you are coming to understand.
After completing the first two exercises in this lesson, move on to the third: linking your problem to the realm of archetypal patterns. This works like a cosmic trampoline, propelling you out of the level of the perceived problem into the universal arena of archetypes. Restate your problem on a universal scale. For example: "Why are so many world servers like Mary blocked from attracting their perfect mates?" This removes the "little I" from the equation entirely. Now you can revisit the drama of your problem and observe its energetic patterns from a universal perspective. The profit of this exercise is nothing short of magnificent. Not only does it allow you to move past your own blockages, but you'll also appreciate how you, and so many others like you, got ensnared by this particular part of the illusion.
These exercises are to be done quietly in your mind - they are not about referring to yourself in the third person as you speak to others. It is best to set aside a sacred place and time to meditate and use conscious breath work to focus on your three exercises, moving to the next only after the previous one has borne fruit. This will set up the process that allows answers to percolate.
The second lesson: You and the universe from a higher perspective
The second lesson of this message is more of a challenge for us to deliver. We are bound by the Law of Free Will to not give you definitive information that would cause you to change your thinking or take action based solely on our words. Yet you have offered such a collective plea to know why so many humans - especially the Light Workers, Starseeds, and Wanderers who came to serve - are experiencing major challenges right now that we would be refusing the expression of your Free Will if we did not respond.
Let us simply say: You are not who you think you are, nor are your planet and its solar system what you think they are. You see yourself as biochemical entities, possessing minds and varying degrees of consciousness. By and large, you still act by the herd instinct, seeking consensus and the comfort of like-minded viewpoints. This has further separated you from each other by dividing you into collective identities such as religion, nationality, sex, race, profession, social and financial status, and scores of additional markers.
You also perceive yourself as masters of an inanimate planetary sphere over which you, by sanction of divine decree, have the right of ownership and exploitation. The Earth's sister planets appear to be merely inert pieces of rock, ice, and gas with only remote possibilities of harboring rudimentary life. And space is nothing more than a near-empty vacuum through which solar systems and their mother-ship galaxies hurtle away from each other at blinding speeds as a result of a big bang that occurred some 13.7 - 20 billion years ago.
You believe all this because you cling to a reality that you can observe and measure. The visible dimensions of your world "prove" that objects and people are separate from each other and that they exist in a linear, cause-and-effect world within discernable fields of space and time. This is the universe as observed through the distortive filters of your illusion and from behind the Veil of Forgetting. It is not the universe we perceive.
For us, time collapses into the infinite instant, and space is merely the implicate of separation, which dissolves with the realization of the Law of One. But presenting information to you in such terms is like a theoretical physicist delivering a lecture on advanced quantum mechanics to a nursery school playroom. We say this not in condescension but to underscore the difficulty of using the linear reality of words to describe phenomena that lie outside their realm. The best we can achieve is an approximation close enough to trigger a dormant memory. You will know if this message is meant for you. If it is not, feel free to ignore our words entirely.
From our perspective, all Creation is conscious. It is not that God (to use that term in the broadest sense of All That Is) is
in all things. God
is all things. There is nothing manifest or potential which is not God. When you perceive an object or formulate a thought, you are encountering or producing a point of Creation where the Love/Light energy has been sufficiently slowed or focused to assume manifest expression.
If you extend this concept to embrace the entire vastness of the universe, then galaxies and solar systems, comets and asteroid belts become simply portions of space in which the consciousness of spiraling Love/Light has become manifest. There is no such thing as empty space - all of creation is infused with consciousness. It does not have to be made manifest in order to exist. In fact, the areas where the concentration of consciousness is greatest, at the center of every galaxy, are invisible. (Your scientists call these black holes and mistakenly attempt to explain them solely in physical terms.) Nor is space homogeneous. That is to say, it is not the same throughout. There are vast fields of concentrated energies radiating from the central sun (the black hole) at each galactic center that extend out into space like gigantic spokes. Taking your Milky Way galaxy as an example, all 100 billion stars that make up this particular cluster, together with their attendant planets, sweep through these energetic beams at predetermined intervals.
Your solar system is no exception. When you move through one of these fields, extraordinary events always occur. This is precisely what has caused all of the unexplained sudden evolutionary shifts on Earth. Your scientists will never find the so-called missing link between ape and man because there isn't one. The shift occurred suddenly as the DNA of a lesser species "jumped" to a higher configuration. There are many little-reported experiments by your scientists that can replicate this feat in the laboratory.
This not an argument for creationists over evolutionists, because both of them are equally right and wrong. What neither of them has appreciated is that God
is all things. There is no part of Creation that is not conscious - no matter how inanimate or insignificant it may appear to human perception. And any portion of Creation as it moves through and interacts with one of these fields of concentrated consciousness has the opportunity to evolve significantly.
The entire solar system is shifting
Your entire solar system has recently entered one of these concentrated fields of consciousness and will remain within its influence for the next several years. This is challenging all life forms, the environment, and human concepts and beliefs on your planet to the limit. What you are about to learn is by no means secret. Each of these facts can be corroborated with minimal effort on the Internet. However, your leaders resist sharing the analyses by the various think tanks that have been examining the data. When you discover what your governments are being told, you will understand why.
What links the following facts together is a simple Law of Creation:
Whenever any form of consciousness interacts with any other form of consciousness, both are irrevocable changed. This law - a practical extension of the Law of One - speaks of the vast entanglement that takes place within the cosmic hologram. It is the essential meaning of that passage in your scriptures: God knows if even a sparrow falls to the ground. Nothing happens anywhere in Creation that does not ripple throughout the whole of it.
In gross terms, this means that every person you have ever met has to some extent become a part of you, and you of them. You are the product of every relationship, as well as every sunset and symphony, nightmare, and horror movie, you've experienced. But entanglement's effect on you is even more far-reaching, for you are also the product of every event in history and bear the energetic imprint of every person that ever lived on the face of the Earth - just as the essence of a large pot of stew reflects the minerals of the soil in which the carrots grew as well as the imperceptible change brought about by the addition of a single granule of salt. The more subtle effects of entanglement give rise to the teachings of astrology in which the relative positions of the unique energetic bodies you refer to as planets influence you. In fact, because of the Oneness of Creation, nothing can take place anywhere within its infinite scope that does not impinge, in some small or large way, upon you. This is particularly true with respect to those concentrated energies you are now moving through.
Consider this partial list of what has been happening in your solar system in the past few years: there has been a visible growth of "dark spots" on Pluto; Saturn has developed auroras; both Uranus and Neptune have undergone polar shifts, accompanied, in the case of Uranus, by an abrupt and significant increase in the intensity of the magnetosphere; Neptune is displaying a shift of light intensity as well as new dark spot activity; the magnetic field intensity of Jupiter has doubled, and extensive auroral activity and a visible change in the energy field between Jupiter and one of its 62 moons, Io, can now be observed; Mars is undergoing an atmospheric transformation as indicated by a cloudy growth along its equator and an increase in ozone concentration; and there is a notable chemical change on Venus, marked by a sharp decrease in the sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere and an unexpected inversion of its dark and light spots. Your scientists have recently observed extraordinary lightshows emanating from Venus, Jupiter's north polar region, and Io, the most volcanically active space body in the solar system. Meanwhile, the Earth's own moon has manifested a growing natrium (sodium) atmosphere that reaches 9,000 km in height.
Possibly the most dramatic changes are taking place on the sun - the source of biological life on your planet but also the main transducer of the in-streaming spiraling energies that emanate from your galaxy's central sun. Your sun's magnetic field is more than 230 percent stronger now than it was at the beginning of the last century. It is unleashing a display of sunspots, coronal mass ejections, and other activities unprecedented in recorded history.
The sun emits an extraordinary spiraling, egg-shaped energy band called the heliosphere. This is made up of solar winds, or coronal energy bursts, that stream away from the sun's surface in all directions at approximately one million miles per hour. The front of this energy bubble extends well beyond the orbit of the outermost planet in your solar system to meet all oncoming regions of space head-on. Not surprisingly, there is a measurable plasmic glow emanating from the leading edge of the bubble. When first measured by your scientists less than forty years ago, the depth of the glow was three to four astronomical units (an astronomical unit is 149,597,870.691 km, the average distance between the Earth and the sun). It is now estimated somewhere between sixty-five to seventy astronomical units - an increase of more than 1,500 percent.
Now let's focus on the changes taking place on Earth. The concentration of cosmic consciousness that the solar system is currently passing through is the greatest encountered since humans first populated your planet. The effects of these energies first became visible as you entered this field of consciousness in the middle of the last century. Take the Antarctic magnetic pole as an example. Since the slight drifting of the pole was first noticed in 1885, it has migrated almost 900 kilometers into the Indian Ocean - that's an average of 9 km per year. The Arctic magnetic pole is also drifting at an ever-accelerating pace. Just before the turn of the millennium, the rate of shift was approximately 15 km per year; it will soon increase its drift toward Eastern Siberia to a rate of 200 km per year - an increase of 1,300 percent. Your world governments are completely aware of these happenings. For instance, the various aeronautical agencies, such as the FAA, have required several airports to update the numbering of their runways (which represent magnetic compass readings to the nearest ten degrees) to keep up with the significant shift of the magnetic poles.
This accelerating magnetic migration will soon manifest as a dramatic pole shift, similar to those on Uranus and Neptune. There has also been a gradual increase in the average size of your planet's polar cusp angles (slots or openings in the northern and southern magnetospheres near the poles), making the Earth increasingly vulnerable to solar winds and in-streaming galactic energies. As a result, you will be experiencing a warming in the Earth's crust and oceans, and a corresponding melting of the polar icecaps.
There will be significant climate changes, but not for the reasons you might think. The widely publicized greenhouse effect is among the smaller contributors to global warming. In fact, the constant increase of carbon dioxide has leveled off, and the methane content in your atmosphere has actually begun to decrease. However, now the Earth's temperature regime is becoming increasingly vulnerable to external influences. The effect may be similar to the relatively rapid period of temperature instability that took place 10,000 years ago, recently discovered by your scientists when they analyzed ice-core drilling samples from Greenland.
Your aeronomists (scientist who study the upper atmospheres of planets) are rightfully concerned about the sudden proliferation of HO
2, the hydroperoxyl or perhydroxyl radical in your atmosphere. This has a direct effect on the distribution of your planet's ozone layer and signals a period of rapidly growing concentration imbalances. The corresponding divergences in the temperature gradients at various levels of the atmosphere can directly affect the movement of air masses, causing major irregularities in moisture circulation patterns. In simple terms, your weather patterns will become increasingly anomalous and severe.
We have described only a fraction of the physical shifts taking place in your sector of the galaxy. There is much more. Yet the passage of your solar system through the concentrated band of cosmic consciousness is not serendipitous. As Einstein so rightly pointed out, God does not play dice with the universe. What is happening is preplanned and exactly on schedule. It could not be otherwise.
Every expression of consciousness within the heliosphere, from the sun itself to the planetary bodies and the beings that live on or within them, is being invited to participate in an immanent "jump" in evolution. For all forms of consciousness except one, this process is preprogrammed and automatic. Humans are the only form that has been given the choice of whether to move into the next paradigm - sometimes called the rapture or the golden age of peace - or remain mired in the illusion of duality and separation. Unfortunately, the decision whether to shift or not is not one you can make intellectually. There are lessons to be mastered and new areas of awareness to be explored. You need to learn how to make your DNA receptive to the new energies.
Your geneticists have recently begun to unravel a small part of the role DNA plays in human evolution. However, their inquiry has been limited to less than 5 percent of the total DNA structure. The remaining portions appear to be meaningless, random segments, dismissed with the somewhat derogatory term "junk DNA." Suppositions about the function of these enigmatic bits range from dubbing them trash heaps of defunct genes, or pseudogenes, cast aside and fragmented during evolution, to proposing they are no more than the accumulated debris of failed viruses.
These speculations suggest that the unspeakably vast and purposeful intelligence with which Creation unfolds has made an uncharacteristic error. We hardly think so. In fact, this extra pool of DNA provides a reservoir of sequences from which new genes can emerge that can propel you into your next evolutionary advancement. However, most humans are choosing to render their DNA inaccessible to the in-streaming energies, and so they will completely miss the opportunity being offered.
Here's why so many of you are unwittingly making this decision: The same in-streaming energies that trigger massive weather changes and tectonic plate disturbances on your planet also impact each human being residing on its surface. As they reverberate through the imprints within your chakras (the energy centers that house the imprints of your beliefs and preincarnational programming), they create interference patterns that manifest as spontaneous thoughts and emotions. As the cosmic energies grow more intense, so do the human responses. They ignite antisocial activities such as terrorism, crime, and other expressions of extreme dogma. They also prompt the reactions to those activities: resentment, fear, anger, and - the most corrosive emotion of all - righteous indignation. All of these responses come at an enormous price, as any highly imbalanced emotion causes your DNA to constrict, shorten, and ultimately turn off. Notice that we deliberately chose the word "any." This is because, from the perspective of balance, extreme joy is just as far off center as extreme anger. Everything in Creation ultimately seeks equilibrium. When you experience a spike of any emotion in the manifest moment, its unexpressed shadow counterpart is always lurking in the wings. By acknowledging the presence of the opposite emotion, you balance yourself again, like a teeter-totter returning to horizontal.
Preparing yourself for the shift
Have you ever wondered about the thousands of documented cases in which large malignant tumors have disappeared within a few hours, or less? These are prime examples of the corrective power of DNA. However, they can only occur in the gap of nonjudgment, the open space between your belief systems where you are simply the observer, embracing without preference events as they unfold. The common thread linking these unexplainable miracles of spontaneous remission is that each of the cancer patients somehow arrived at a point of total surrender and acceptance - neither fearing death nor being resigned to it.
Now, you might ask, "How do I achieve a state of nonjudgmental awareness?" This brings us full circle to the first lesson discussed earlier. Which of your infinite I's are you referring to? Certainly the I having the emotional experience cannot be the same I that holds the position of dispassionate observer. Again we offer the same advice: eschew the use of pronouns when speaking of the self. As soon as you interpose your own name, you create the intentional separation that provides another perspective. You can see the entire teeter-totter - not just the side slamming "you" into the ground.
Here's an interesting image that might help tie all these thoughts together. Today's Navy SEALS owe their origin to a special World War II unit called Underwater Demolition Teams, or more affectionately, "frogmen." Among their duties was the mining of enemy ships, piers, and various strategic harbor facilities. Armed with the requisite ordinance, frogmen would be deposited in enemy waters from an offshore vessel, swim underwater to the target site, rig their mines, set their timers, and swim back to a predetermined rendezvous point. At the agreed time, a lone Zodiac boat (often called a rubber duck), with a single outboard engine, would swoop by in a large circle with an extended hook-like apparatus that each frogman would grasp and use to swing himself into the boat.
Each man knew he had only one chance to grab the hook, since the waters were filled with enemy presence and a second pass might well get everyone killed. As you can imagine, not only had each man been extensively trained and prepared, but his focus and concentration on the boat as it approached must have been exquisite. Under no circumstance could he allow his concentration to be distracted by the explosions of the mines he had planted, enemy fire, or imagined sharks or mermaids in the water.
You are that frogman. The approaching rescue vessel is the vast segment of concentrated cosmic conscious through which the entire solar system is passing. You are barely recovering from the conk on the head by the two-by-four beam that constitutes the Veil of Forgetting. If you miss the boat, you will be left in enemy waters to fend for yourself.
In fact, you are facing the most important decision of your life.