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Little Things
By Donald Schnell
What a week this is going to be, right?
Opportunities, ideas, new ways of looking at things...
You create your Spiritual Success today!
Spiritual Success? This is the success you achieve from
following spiritual principles to happiness that lead to
your worldly and spiritual success.
Your success begins with LITTLE THINGS
Almost twenty years ago, I remember wanting some chicken.
So I ordered a salad and some broiled chicken. When the
salad came, I added the chicken to the salad creating my
first main course salad. I learned this healthy idea from
Marilyn Diamond's bestseller, Fit for Life. A thought
occurred to me . . .
Most people don't do that.
The thought of adding "high water content foods" to their
meals is ridiculous to most people...
So they buy all kinds of diet books and join a health club,
hire a personal trainer but still don't drop any weight.
Before I go any further, this discussion isn't about weight
loss or exercise...
.... It’s about doing little things to reach your spiritual
success… your enlightenment.
Clients always want to know how they can be more effective.
Well, once you're pointed in the right direction, it comes
down to little tiny decisions that on their own don't seem
like they make a bit of difference. Like putting your
chicken in your salad and not having any bread or
carbohydrates with the meal.
Does one main course salad make such a huge difference in
your health?
Of course not.
But you've got to keep the big picture in mind & keep it
You know the old metaphor about the tree that took a
thousand swipes with the ax to be felled? The big question
is which blow knocked down the tree, the 1,000th or the 999
before it? Or the many before that? Which weakened it
You can't get where you're going without taking each and
every step. It's the little things you do each day that
make a difference. That's why I call this Enlightenment
101. It's easy. Just take the little steps.
This is the key to Spiritual Enlightenment. What are the
little things you can do today, or this week that will make
your life richer? One thing is certain; you are going to
arrive to the end of your week. It is up to you as to "who"
will be arriving.
What steps are you taking today to see that you will be
more peaceful, more loving, more compassionate --in short,
more enlightened by week's end?
Little Things.
Play a game. Smile and give every third person you meet
today a BIG smile and some warm enthusiasm. Make their day.
That's one of the secrets to spiritual success. Make
someone else's day better.
Why every third person and why not everyone? Because we are
playing a game. If you try this with everyone, you will
soon go unconscious again. You will forget. So play the
game. You are training your subconscious with a new little
habit of cheer.
Remember the lesson of Las Vegas? The slot machines are
carefully designed by psychologists to pay out at the rates
that make you most likely to continue. Not every time. A
little win here, a little win there. It builds your
confidence. The process is called fixed variable
reinforcement and it is the most powerful behavioral change
technique known.
So play a game. Do the little things. Give a smile…every
third person…stay aware…don't forget!
Have some main course salads this week. Every fourth meal.
Take whatever you are eating, your rice, vegetables, beans,
chicken potatoes or fish, and cut them small, and put them
into a nice green salad. You WILL lost weight, and you'll
feel more spiritually fit.
Smile BIG at every third person… even if it is a phone
contact. Smile through the phone.
Little things.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
Lao Tzu-Chinese philosopher of Taoism
Donald Schnell is the author of The Initiation.
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