How To Generate MLM LEAD With Business Cards.
When you start your mlm business, your biggest challenge will be Getting mlm leads. I went to the local mixer to mix it up. Make Friends and get some fresh propects for my business.
If you’ve Been to the same mixers and you know the routine,
everybody Shakes hands, smiles, and when it’s all over no one does any business. I call business cards “Don’t Call Me Cards” You pass out your Business card 20 times during the evening and receive 20 cards in Return. You go home and wait for the phone calls, but no one ever Calls you. So why do they call them business cards when no one is Doing any business with them. Now let me tell you how you can Make passing out business cards start to generate you some hot Mlm lead to work on. What I did was to get some 8 x 11 piece’s Of paper. And I put my photo and a bio of myself to create a Lasting impression that goes a lot farther than a blank business Card. And with my photo the last paragraph contained the personal Notes about where I was raised, my education, my hobbies, ect. I also added an hot massage about my mlm business. And off To the copy machine I went, and started passing out my bio of Myself to everyone I would meet and that’s when my phone Started to ring.