The superjuice industry has seen its share of boom and bust success stories, is MonaVie just another chapter?
I was involved in some MLM research the other day and I ended up at a website that showcased the top 500 earners in the MLM marketplace today.
Wow! I was awestruck and humbled and then really excited that I was in an industry where this could even happen.
Top earner on the list,

Brig Hart of MonaVie, making a hard to believe $980,000 a month! Can you say $12 Mil a year!
Please Santa, can I have one of those! One of those runaway success trains, holy warp drive, beam me up Scottie. How can this be true? Can someone actually make that much money in MLM?
I had to pour myself a stiff drink of superjuice and brood over this for a moment.
Yes Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore, this is the world of MLM where your income is only a function of the size of the network you build. With an aggressive comp plan and a runaway company, the upside is unlimited.
Now before you start thinking that this is a paid endorsement for Mona Vie, I am going to have to take a pass on this deal, but more on that later.
That brings us to the question at hand here, what does the future hold for MonaVie?
Even if you have never heard of network marketing, you have almost certainly heard of MonaVie. You know, the company that has the sexy purple wine bottle that holds the revered .
Here is a quick Play by Play scorecard for you:
1.MonaVie Product launched in 2005 by Monarch Health Sciences
2.MonaVie Inc incorporates and takes over product distribution
3.Recruits Brig Hart (Amway – Quixtar Diamond)
4.Grows from Zero to $50 million in a few years and then explodes to a Billion, all in about 5 years
5.Read My Lips - Big Money!
One of the things you notice right away about MonaVie is that their success is the result of Mega-Viral growth. The rapid almost overnight growth of a network marketing deal, is the light at the end of the tunnel we are all searching for in MLM. It is that surge of growth as a company goes from small to large almost overnight that creates wealth. The crazy thing about network marketing is that this rapid wealth creation is not a rare event, and that reality is what keeps us all on the lookout for the next giant .
I know a lot of people now look at what happened with MonaVie and wonder why they did not see it coming . The picked the right market at the right time, superjuices. It's our huge thirst for health in a bottle that have made superjuices the star in at least 4 mega viral MLM's in the last 10 years .
What sets superjuices apart from standard nutritional "pill" products is that many people actually feel a difference from using them.
With a good superjucie, it was a natural for them to adopt a product first approach, using “Tasting Parties” as the mainstay of their marketing effort.
Then enter the random effect of Brig Hart an Amway Diamond joining the company and you complete the picture.
Once he decided to join MonaVie, he also brought a team of probably several hundred highly trained Amway distributors with a powerful team culture into a perfectly positioned superjuice company. The combination ignited a cascade of growth shooting straight to a billion.
You know sometimes our timing is just out of sync, if I had been ready for a change 3 or 4 years ago, it would have been a no brainer, but at a billion? I think not.
The basic business model of company growth is pretty easy to understand, you hit the right market and growth becomes explosive but at some point you just have to slow, the easy market share is gone. For MLM companies in the US that point is at a billion .Now there is still money to be made of course, but it’s no longer the heady go-go days of momentum where your checks go up 35% a month.
Most of the new growth will be international. Of course if you hit the momentum curve early and are already making big bucks, why worry about it.
Now if you are a new rep who just joined or if you did not hit your income goals in the first explosion, pushing ahead at this point is going to be much harder.
So at this point what's in the cards for this superjuice giant? MonaVie is already adapting and bringing new products to market which will steady the volume in the US. I feel they will be a powerhouse for a long time to come, but the explosive growth in this market is pretty much over. For the newbie, I have one piece of advice, either go international or try to find a newer version of the company.
MonaVie is opening a number of new international markets and there is where the new money will be made. There are a number of ways to tap international markets but the easiest and most powerful way is with online marketing. If you gain mastery of tools like Google Adwords, Facebook marketing, or international resume database mining, then you can gain access to the international markets while sitting at home.
If you truly want to be successful, you need to use an effective marketing system and plan on enrolling at least 6 to 8 reps per month, and its the same for international. Too many success seekers in network marketing base the success of their business on chance occurance and explosive company growth to make it happen for them. Don't leave your success to chance.