TVI Express is causing a lot of buzz in the MLM industry. Some think its too good to miss and others think its too good to be true. Read this in depth review and decide for yourself.
Once you have been in the MLM industry for a few years you almost get immune to the constant parade of new "Hot" deals that seem to flow through the marketplace.
Top earners are usually always open to looking at a new deal just so they can keep their finger on the pulse of what else is in the market,

but a true game changer can distract even the leaders.
The purpose of my review is to shed some light on what could be a potential "Game Changer".
Recently I got a call from Greg, a new rep for TVI who had been with them for about 2 1/2 months and he wanted my help in setting up an online lead system. He told me about the company background, the products and how quickly they were growing.
What he told me next blew me away!
His personal success in the last few months was remarkable. Even after spending over 22 years in MLM, and having earned some pretty big paydays myself, I was pretty amazed at what he had accomplished in such as short time.
Here is what I found when I really dug into the deal and took a close look.
TVI Express is principally a travel club that launched their business model in January of 2009 in Asia.
Now lets face it, travel is a sexy product, people love the idea of being on vacation and you mix that with making money and you have something interesting.
My review found some remarkable things about the TVI business.
TVI does not try to make you a travel agent as many deals have done. They kept it a club and have a 1 week travel voucher as the main product. Cost on the voucher which you get when you enroll is very good at $250 US. Now for a for a week for two people at a nice resort I have spent more than that in one day! (it may really cost you $275 or $300 but more on that in the full review)
A distributor also receives access to other travel discounts which they can access through their online office.
No Autoship
In getting rid of the monthly autoship, TVI has set themselves apart from the other travel MLM's and made themselves much more desirable in the eyes of the consumer. Getting rid of the autoship and monthly fee requirement may pose a challenge for future growth but reps love it.
Their marketing reach grew from Asia where they launched, to over 150 markets in less than a year. Their website lists offices and a customer support number in the UK. They apparently have other business links to the UK since the website refers to the fact that their financial backing is from a UK group.
Ground Floor
They are of course early stage since they only started business several months ago, but the company claims they are currently the most rapidly growing company in the world. They claim to have over 200,000 distributors, and that was before reaching the US market, which of course is the largest MLM market in the world.
They have a very aggressive matrix compensation plan. In most MLM's, they pay you a small amount of residual on all downline activity every week or month.
TVI's plan does not compensate you on group or personal volume as do most MLM's. The money that would go to pay all those small commissions is held and then paid out when you hit a threshold point.
There are 2 of these points in TVI, one pays $500 and the other pays $10,000.
Here is what happens. The first matrix is called the Traveler Board which pays out $500 and the next matrix is the Express Board which pays out $10,000. Both matrices are 4 levels deep and the width is (1 X 2 X 4 X 8). You enter at the bottom level that has 8 positions and your goal is to move to the top. Each time the lower level fills, you move up.
The person in the top position graduates to the upper matrix and receives the threshold $500 commission.
The procedure is then repeated in the upper matrix until a distributor graduates from the top position receiving a $10,000 commission and $5000 in travel benefits.
Once you have been successful and collected your commission you can keep recycling your position through the Express Board over and over and continue collecting commissions.
The big bucks are made by having more than one distributorship, which the company allows.
The company comp plan also has a residual element where they award leaders anywhere from 5% to 10% based on the volume of your group.
There are many variations in building strategies depending on which group you join and what they teach. From what I have studied, I believe your best option is to use multiple positions and because of potential matrix spillover benefit from upline you will want to be in a very active group.
There is more detail on compensation in my full review
Very out of the ordinary MLM to say the least. MLM has always been driven by the dollars, so the eyes of the industry are always on new variations that will reward the average distributor quicker and in doing so keep them in the game. This obviously does that.
I have talked to many seasoned distributors in Network Marketing and asked them their opinion about TVI, and responses range all over the board. In the end the choice is yours. TVI Express has an interesting product that has value and they pay their distributors.
It will be mostinteresting to watch where they go now.
One word of warning here is that many times Matrix comp plans are pitched by telling the prospect that they only have to sponsor 1 or 2 people and and then the spillover from upline will take care of all the rest.
Don't bet the ranch on this approach. Yes, if you bring in 2 new reps you will be qualified but I never recommend leaving your success to chance or the good intentions of others.
If you want to be successful in any MLM you need to learn how to in fact market the opportunity so you can plan on bringing several new reps in each month. Its no different with TVI.
You can find more in my full review.