Are you like many network and internet marketers… you have a hard drive full of PDF files, e-books, free stuff, and paid for training courses about the secrets of internet marketing. but you just are not making enough money again this month. Learn more about creating profits online...Free Ebook and ECorse available to you now!
Step 2 - Getting Started - Create Profits On-Line Fast!
Are you like many network and internet marketers… you have a hard drive full of PDF files, e-books, free stuff, and paid for training courses about the secrets of internet marketing. but you just are not making enough money again this month.
You have tried a bunch of ways over the past couple months or years to build a website to make money, and still you find yourself with the same old problem. You are spending way more than you are making, its taking so much more time than you expected, your spouse is not a happy camper, and you are more frustrated than ever before.
You have called everybody on your list twice, you just have bought another bunch of leads, emailed your genealogy lists again, got rejected again when you called the few that said they wanted more information, and your measly commission check finally showed up.
You have done all the things your mentor or coach that you found in step 1 has told you, but you still just do not have enough people visiting your website, and signing up for or buying your offers.
So how can you salvage your ego and business this time?
Step 2: Learn the 3 Core Principles to Creating Profits On-Line
Study traffic generating, list building, and sales copy writing.
I bet you don’t hear that much. You need to study AND learn.
If you just enrolled in university, would you pay the tuition and buy the books recommended by the faculty, or would you buy the books that you thought you would like best? You would buy the books recommended by the faculty, right!
And you would even take them to class, open them, read them, and study the principles of the course subject. You might read others that you liked too, but if you want to pass your exams you would STUDY and LEARN the principles of the subject
from the books your university prescribed to you.
Reality is – if you really want to succeed in marketing your business online you need to not only study but learn the 3 core principles required to creating profits online from your internet marketing mentor, not from a sales copy writing consultant, not a web site building coach, not a list building coach but from an internet marketing coach or mentor
You must take these important steps, find yourself a true mentor who is successfully working in your specific area of interest, then study and learn the 3 core principles of creating profits online from them.
In the online marketing world, just like offline, it is mandatory that you do the hard work of studying and learning your business, and implement your knowledge and skills in order to create profits online, and you must start by finding a true mentor that will coach you, and then truly studying and learning the principles of internet marketing
There are many internet marketers just like yourself creating profits online, simply because they started out finding a mentor and coach, and stayed focused on studying and learning the core principles they needed to pass the creating profits online tests.
They are not smarter than you, they simply have a mentor, and they stay focused on studying and learning the core principles of internet marketing.
Do you want to learn more about how I create profits online?
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