Are you like so many network and internet marketers… you almost made it this time! Those nagging doubts are starting to creep in again! So how do you stay on track when it finally starts working for you? Learn more about creating profits online....Free EBook and Free ECourse here now!
Step 4 - Getting Started - Create Profits On-Line Fast!
Are you like so many network and internet marketers… you almost made it this time!
You found a real mentor, you have been studying and learning all you can, you are working your butt off doing everything you learned so far, and you have finally started making a few sales and some decent money.
Just a few minutes ago, you were online checking your email, and one email caught your eye…sounded just like the thing you were looking for…. a way to generate more traffic to your website fast, so you open it up, click on the link, and 40 minutes later you finally get back to what you were trying to do in the first place.
Nope, you were strong this time , you didn't sign up for the free newsletter or buy the one time offer, you had seen enough of these before, it was the same old pitch.. a form of getting something for nothing, or the latest secret that every guru was hyping this week…… know the ones I mean, right
You still may be thinking your advertising is still costing too much, you are still spending too much to buy leads, it always seems to be taking more time than you planned, your spouse and you still thinks its not happening fast enough for you.
Those nagging doubts are starting to creep in!
So how do you stay on track when it finally starts working for you?
Step 4: Do not fall for any get rich quick schemesBeware of them, there are no shortcuts online.
I bet you have heard that before for sure!
Instead you need to start immediately to take action and actually apply what you learned from your mentor. STAY FOCUSED!
If you just opened your franchise for ABC Hamburgers, would you have paid the franchise fee, attended all the training, bought all the products recommended, and opened for business immediately, and then start spending part of your working day looking to see if franchise XYZ Hamburgers had a better gimmick to get customers in their door or to visit their website.
No, you must stay focused on doing everything that you had already studied and learned from your mentor in order to start to recoup your investment fast, right!
Truth is – if you really want to succeed in marketing your business online you need to not only study and learn the core principles required to creating profits online from your internet marketing mentor, but you must take immediate massive action and actually do all the steps, repeatedly by sticking to your business plan.
Finally you must discipline yourself to follow each step, and to be aware that your old habits die hard. Realize that doubts creep in, causes fear in you, which causes you to be anxious, and start doubting yourself, and the cycle repeats over and over.
There are many would be internet marketers that started out finding a mentor, focused on studying and learning the core principles, took immediate massive action, then found it was too hard or time consuming, then slipped back into old habits, found another get rich or easy to do scheme to try out, and only after wasting several hours, days, weeks, or months, did they refocus , and finally pass the real test - creating profits online .
They were really not that different from you and me, they simply found a mentor, focused on studying and learning the core principles of internet marketing, took all the immediate massive action steps their mentor prescribed for them, and…
Refuse to be distracted by any of those easy get rich schemes that lay in wait for all of us.
Do you want to learn more about how I create profits online? Click Create Profits Next!
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