Developing the Right Attitude to Support Goal Achievement

May 3


Kevin Eikenberry

Kevin Eikenberry

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Achieving goals is not just about setting them but also fostering the right mindset to pursue them effectively. This article explores how a positive, possibility-focused, and proactive attitude can significantly enhance your chances of success, both individually and as a leader. We delve into practical strategies to cultivate such an attitude, ensuring that your journey towards your goals is as rewarding as the achievement itself.

Understanding the Importance of Attitude in Goal Achievement

Attitude plays a pivotal role in how we approach our goals. A study by the University of Scranton suggests that only 8% of people achieve their New Year's resolutions,Developing the Right Attitude to Support Goal Achievement Articles often failing due to a lack of the right mindset rather than just external circumstances. This statistic underscores the importance of cultivating a mindset that not only sets goals but also achieves them.

The Three Pillars of the Right Attitude

  1. Positive Thinking: Research has consistently shown that positivity can enhance performance across various domains. A positive outlook increases resilience, speeds up progress, and improves the likelihood of achieving goals.

  2. Possibility Orientation: This involves the belief in the feasibility of achieving a goal. If you perceive a goal as attainable, you are more likely to commit the necessary resources and effort to achieve it.

  3. Proactivity: Goals are not achieved through passive contemplation but through decisive action. Being proactive means taking initiative and persistent steps towards your goals.

How to Cultivate the Right Attitude

Here are some strategies to develop an attitude conducive to goal achievement:

  1. Goal Setting: Clearly define what you want to achieve. This clarity will influence your motivation and the strategies you employ.

  2. Involvement and Ownership: Engage those who are part of the goal-achieving process. When people feel they are part of the goals, their commitment deepens.

  3. Building Belief: Celebrate small successes along the way to build confidence and reinforce the belief in the team's ability to achieve the goals.

  4. Focus on Benefits: Instead of just focusing on the goal, emphasize the benefits of achieving it. This shifts the perspective from the challenge to the rewards.

  5. Visualization: Help your team visualize the end result. This can be a powerful motivator and can make the goal seem more tangible.

  6. Constant Reminders: Keep the goal in sight. Whether through regular discussions, visual reminders, or written notes, ensure the goal remains a focal point.

The Impact of the Right Attitude

With the right attitude, you can foster behaviors of persistence, discipline, and creativity. It also sharpens focus and leads to better results. For instance, a study by Gallup found that business units with engaged employees see 21% higher profitability. This engagement often stems from the right attitude towards goals.


The right attitude is not just about being optimistic but also about being realistic, proactive, and engaged with your goals. By understanding and implementing the strategies outlined above, you can enhance your ability to achieve goals and lead others towards their own successes.

Leaders and aspiring achievers can benefit from resources like the Remarkable Leadership Learning System, which offers tools and insights to develop effective leadership skills, crucial for goal achievement. This system provides a structured approach to building the right attitude and skills needed to succeed.

Remember, the journey towards achieving your goals is as important as the destination. Cultivating the right attitude is your first step towards making that journey successful.