Summary: Discover the enchanting world of The Clearing, a unique educational retreat founded by landscape architect Jens Jensen in 1935. Nestled in Ellison Bay, Wisconsin, this school promotes environmental stewardship and artistic expression through its diverse year-round programs. Explore how Jensen's vision of harmony between nature and human creativity continues to inspire students today.
Jens Jensen, a Danish-American landscape architect, was renowned for his "prairie style" of landscape design, emphasizing native plants and natural scenery. His work includes the gardens at the Henry Ford Estate and the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House. Jensen's philosophy was deeply rooted in the belief that true beauty and democracy emerge when nature is left untouched by human intervention. He famously stated, "Every plant has fitness and must be placed in its proper surroundings so as to bring out its full beauty. Therein lies the art of landscaping."
At the age of 75, Jensen established The Clearing in 1935, a school set in the serene landscapes of Ellison Bay, Wisconsin. His vision was to create a space where the "hand of man" and the "hand of nature" could coexist in harmony. The school's mission was to cultivate environmental citizenship and attract students who were eager to "study profoundly... do things worthwhile... not for oneself but for others."
The Clearing today offers a variety of educational programs throughout the year, each designed to foster creativity, environmental awareness, and community spirit:
These programs are taught in a relaxed, informal style, encouraging personal growth and artistic expression among students of all ages.
Jens Jensen passed away in 1951 at the age of 91, but his legacy lives on through The Clearing. The school remains a vibrant community where individuals come to learn, create, and find peace in the natural world. It stands as a testament to Jensen's belief in the transformative power of nature and education.
The Clearing is not just a school but a beacon of environmental education, promoting sustainability and conservation. It's a place where students learn the value of preserving natural beauty and the importance of ecological balance, principles that are crucial in today's world.
The Clearing is just one example of the magical educational programs available in the United States. These initiatives offer unique opportunities for learning and growth, often in stunning natural settings. They remind us of the importance of connecting with the environment and with each other.
In conclusion, The Clearing is more than just a school; it's a source of inspiration and a model of environmental stewardship. It embodies Jens Jensen's vision of a world where nature and humanity thrive together. For those looking to explore their creative talents and deepen their understanding of the natural world, The Clearing offers a perfect blend of education and enlightenment.
For more information on Jens Jensen's work and philosophy, visit the Jens Jensen Legacy Project or explore the archives at the University of Michigan.
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