Attitude and Motivation: Finding the Right Balance

Feb 5


Sydney Axelrod

Sydney Axelrod

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Attitude and motivation are two important psychological concepts that play significant roles in influencing human behavior and success in various aspects of life.

Attitude and motivation are two important psychological concepts that play significant roles in influencing human behavior and success in various aspects of life. Let's explore each of them:


Attitude refers to a person's evaluation or expression of favor or disfavor toward a particular person,Attitude and Motivation: Finding the Right Balance Articles place, thing, or situation. It is a complex combination of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies.

Components of Attitude:

Cognitive Component: This involves the thoughts, beliefs, and information a person has about a particular object or situation.

Affective Component: This is the emotional aspect, representing the individual's feelings or emotions associated with the object or situation.

Behavioral Component: This involves the person's actions or intended actions in response to the object or situation.

Influence on Behavior:

  • Attitudes can shape behavior and actions. A positive attitude often leads to positive behavior, while a negative attitude may result in avoidance or negative actions.
  • Attitudes are influenced by various factors, including personal experiences, social environment, cultural background, and individual differences.
  • Changing attitudes can be challenging but is possible through persuasion, education, and experiences that challenge existing beliefs.


Motivation is the driving force or energy that directs and sustains behavior. It is the internal or external factor that stimulates the desire and energy to achieve a goal or engage in a particular activity.

Types of Motivation:

Intrinsic Motivation: This comes from within, driven by personal interest, enjoyment, or a sense of satisfaction derived from the activity itself.

Extrinsic Motivation: This comes from external factors such as rewards, punishments, or social approval.

Factors Influencing Motivation:

  • Individual Needs: Basic needs such as food, shelter, and safety, as well as higher-level needs like achievement, recognition, and self-actualization, influence motivation.
  • Goals and Expectations: Clear goals and expectations provide direction and purpose, driving motivation.
  • Social and Environmental Factors: Peer support, societal expectations, and the overall environment can impact an individual's motivation.


  • Attitude and motivation are interconnected. Positive attitudes can enhance motivation, while a lack of motivation may be linked to negative attitudes.
  • Motivation can influence the development and change of attitudes. For example, a motivated individual may be more open to adopting new attitudes through learning and experiences.


Does motivation and attitude have a relationship?

Yes, motivation and attitude are closely related, and they often influence each other in various ways.

What is positive attitude motivation?

Positive attitude motivation refers to a state of mind characterized by a constructive and optimistic outlook, coupled with the internal drive and energy to pursue goals and engage in activities. In this context, both positive attitude and motivation work together to create a mindset that fosters personal and professional growth.

How does attitude affect and motivate behaviour?

Attitude plays a crucial role in influencing and motivating behavior. The relationship between attitude and behavior is complex and can be explained through various psychological theories. 

In summary, attitude and motivation are essential elements in understanding and influencing human behavior. Positive attitudes and high motivation contribute to personal and professional success, while negative attitudes and low motivation can hinder growth and achievement.