6 Best National Parks Worldwide

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If you wish to stay one-on-one with astonishing nature and experience beauty created without men's participation, visiting a national park is your perfect option. We have selected six great national parks, one on each continent. Which one attracts you most?


Sometimes,6 Best National Parks Worldwide Articles we want to travel without seeing ten landmarks a day or having to endure crowds of travellers. If you wish to stay one-on-one with astonishing nature and experience beauty created without men's participation, visiting a national park is your perfect option. We have selected six great national parks, one on each continent. Which one attracts you most?


Serengeti, Tanzania

Territory: 15,000 km² (56791,5 sq mi)What to see: 70 mammal species, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, etc.; 500 bird species.Good for: safari (traditional, balloon)

Beng a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this national park is everything you dreamed of thinking of Africa, and probably even more. A hot air balloon safari can be done here. It is a fantastic opportunity to observe Serengeti from a bird's eye view. Serengeti's huge advantage is the availability of all kinds of lodgings — from campsites to luxurious resorts. A significant event taking place in the territory of Serengeti is the annual Great Migration, which is caused by the necessity to find new grazing fields. You can see this migration from January to March; then, the herds pass to Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya (the route of 800 km), where they arrive in July/August.


Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China

Territory: 48,1 km² (185,7 sq mi)What to see: unique geological formations in the form of pillars, the tallest outdoor liftGood for: sightseeing, hiking, boating

Part of a vast Wulingyuan Scenic Area, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park became 1982 China's first national park. With moist weather all year round, the territory is densely grown with vegetation. The «pillars» found throughout the park gained popularity due to the filming of Avatar in 2010. One of the pillars, the 1,080-metre-high one, was named in its honour «Avatar Hallelujah Mountain». In 2002, the Bailong Elevator was opened; its name is translated as «hundred dragons sky lift». Its height is 326 m, which makes it the tallest outdoor lift in the world. The speed with which the cabin is moved enables visitors to get from foot to the top of the valley in just two minutes. 2016, another landmark opened in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park: Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge. This structure also holds a world record, being the longest and the highest pedestrian glass bridge, with a length of 430 m and a height of 300 m. The park also features three cable cars and a monorail.


Rondane, Norway

Territory: 936 km² (372 sq mi)What to see: mountain peaks, reindeer, moose, waterfalls, lakesGood for: hiking, water recreation, scenic driving, skiing

The national park is situated in Eastern Norway, next to the Gudbrabdsdalen valley. In the village of Høvringen, you can take one of the hiking routes, some of which are suitable for families (like Formokampen mountain), and walk through gorgeous mountain lodges. The highest of the ten peaks, Rondslottet, reaches 2,178 metres; its name translates as «the castle of Rondane». While hiking, you can stay either in cabins scattered across the territory or at a mountain spa hotel. Rich animal life is another gem of Rondane: here, you can come across one of the last wild reindeer herds remaining in Norway. There is also an opportunity to meet a moose, called «King of the woods», by joining a safari on electric bikes. Spectacular waterfalls are landmarks of the national park — take a look at Ulafossen and Brudesløret. If you prefer peaceful recreation, stop at one of Rondane's lakes with crystal-clear water. Rent a boat or a canoe, take a swim or take your chance with fishing. When deciding on a route, consider the famous Norwegian Scenic Route Rondane, which is said to be an unforgettable drive. Stop at Sohlbergplassen viewpoint, from which you get an incredible view of the entire park. On your way, you can visit a baroque church, Sollia, the Aukrust Centre Museum, or Sjokoladelåven (the chocolate museum). In winter, Rondane National Park offers its visitors skiing and cross-country tours and trails for independent exploration, such as the Troll Trail, connecting Høvringen and Lillehammer.

North America

Canyonlands, United States

Territory: 1366,21 km² (527 sq mi)What to see: exceptional geological formationsGood for: hiking, 4WD, biking, backpacking, boating

Canyonlands is a national park situated in Utah's desert. It is remarkable because of its multiple hiking trails passing through hundreds of miles. Island in the Sky, the Needles, and the Maze are the best-known. Overall, there are four easy trails, ten moderate, and seventeen strenuous trails, with the average time for walking altering from 30 minutes to 7 hours. With such many options, you will likely want to return to Canyonlands over and over again! The rugged landscapes and layered rocks of this park are indeed one of a kind. The territory is divided by two rivers — the Green and Colorado. Each of Canyonlands' four districts has its distinctive character and offers different exploration opportunities. Note that it's not easy to pass from one district to another, as there are few links between them; sometimes, transportation may take up to six hours. Aside from hiking, you can try one of the following activities: four-wheel-driving, biking, backpacking, and boating. Canyonlands is also a prime spot for geology enthusiasts, as the history of this area's formation is long and rather exciting. The national park may attract those interested in history because of its ancient rock markings and tower ruins left by Indian people.

South America

Torres del Paine, Chile

Territory: 2272,98 km² (87760,3 sq mi)What to see: mountains, lakes, waterfalls, glaciersGood for: hiking, observation of wildlife, kayaking, horse riding, fishing, biking

A Biosphere Reserve declared by UNESCO and the eighth World Wonder since 2013, Torres del Paine National Park is a magnet for tourists worldwide. In the territory, you find wonders that could have been collected from different places — icebergs, lakes, forests, pampas, and mountain massifs. Wildlife is also amazing, enabling visitors to see ñandúes, guanacos, pumas, plus 26 more mammal species. The most popular times to visit are January and February, so avoid coming during these months if you aim to explore nature one-on-one. Torres del Paine offers a great number of picturesque vistas to observe the beauty of the surrounding lands: you can choose between 24 viewpoints, 4 of which open on fantastic waterfalls. Hiking trails are also abundant: 22 routes are at your disposal. For your comfort, there are plenty of checkpoints where you can rest and correct your route. If you decide to stay for a night, there are three hotels and three campgrounds in Torres del Paine.

Australia and New Zealand

Fiordland, New Zealand

Territory: 12,600 km² (4864,9 sq mi)What to see: fiords, lakes, mountains, waterfallsGood for: hiking, kayaking, boating, observation of nature and wildlife, water sports

Seeing the park's landscape is like taking a journey 100,000 years into the past when Fiordland just appeared. Nowadays, it looks exactly the same: its hundred-metre waterfalls cascade into deep fiords, rainforests cling to mountains, and granite peaks surround transparent lakes. Fiordland is another World Heritage Site included in our list; Milford Sound, one of the park's territories, Milford Sound, was described as the eighth wonder of the world by Rudyard Kipling. It is recommended that you take a scenic flight over this place to fully understand the reason for such a title. Eco-tours are popular in some fiords, in the course of which you have an opportunity to explore them by kayak. Fiordland is a superb spot for hiking: here, three of New Zealand's best walks are located — Milford, Kepler, and Routeburn. Milford Track, which is considered the best, is 53 km long and takes you through mountains, lakes and valleys, with the end at Sutherlands Falls, the tallest waterfall in New Zealand. Unlike many other national parks, Fiordland has an excellent infrastructure, with 42 accommodations. Recreation options are also plentiful: scenic flights, boat cruises, walking and hiking, observation of nature and wildlife, and various water sports.


Wherever you go, remember to book appropriate accommodation. While it may be unavailable in some national parks, you can always stay at a hotel before or after your visit to explore more of the country you came to. Use hotelin.com as your guide through manifold hotels worldwide—with its help, you can easily compare prices and perks offered at different booking platforms. We wish you pleasant travels!

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