International news- then and now
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The world is inching closer thanks to the world news that keeps us updated about news across the globe. This is called as international news which gives us a detailed account of the very recent and latest events and occurrences happening around the whole world. Another name for it is global news. People all around the world are keen on knowing about the issues and matters of every country. International news provides us with news updates from every nook and corner of the world. Be it an issue of political importance or any sort of celebrity gossip; world news keeps you up-to-date with almost everything. Earlier world news was available in only English language. However,

now, there are various news channels in a number of different languages which feature international news and hence this makes it better for us to understand the news. A variety of news channels appear on TV in India as well as abroad that give information regarding the international events. There are a number of certain online websites that also provide us with world breaking news. The advantage of online news is that unlike television, there are no advertisements and you can watch the news without any interruption. Another benefit is that global news websites are updated in every couple of minutes and it is made sure that you get news that is hot off the press. However a lot of news channels mislead the people by showing even the most baseless and insignificant event as world breaking news. This is not appreciated and accepted by the people. Media needs to understand that if they continue to feature these unwanted issues, the masses will lose interest and will no longer bother to any kind of news events. Therefore it is very important for the media to deliver us issues of global importance. Polls and surveys should be held so that the opinions and views of the people around the world are taken in to consideration which will help the world in making it a better place to live. It should be made mandatory for everyone to get updated with
World news. This is because it is crucial for everyone to know about the international matters of concern. We all stay in this world and are equally responsible for the events. We need to realize our rights and duties and our role as citizens of this world.