Poverty is another lagging factor of India’s Sluggish Growth
Poverty in developing India still remains a national issue. As per surveys and reports received by India news, the country stands on the third podium ...
Poverty in developing India still remains a national issue. As per surveys and reports received by India news,

the country stands on the third podium among world’s poorest countries list. Approximately 32 percent population of India lives below poverty line described by international measures. Also, as per national standards of poverty approximately 37 percent people live below national poverty line. Government and other governing boundaries though promises to reduce India’s Poverty rate by 15 percent in three to four years but any initiative regarding progressing its foot is yet to come. Day-by-day rising GDP has also increased the marker of poverty line and looking at the current situation it will increase further. In latest India news, among 81 developing countries, 78 countries have shown progress in improving their poverty rate. India conceptualizing on such has long-term goal has initiated several programs but any good outcome of these programs have not seen. Further, no improvements have been made to reduce poverty line immediately.
Working on the issue of decreasing poverty rate Indian government and several non-governmental organizations have started programs for improvement. Sponsoring food and other necessities, increased access to loans, improving agricultural techniques and price supports have surely helped in aid from poverty. But, are they reaching individuals in need on time. The corruption and mislead in guidance by public prosecutors has blocked the progress offered by government. Further, government is promoting education and family planning in poverty hit states of India. These measures have helped in cutting down absolute poverty levels and have also reduced illiteracy and malnutrition. Poverty alleviation as per latest news India stats has shown a ray of hope for people living below poverty line to improve their budget line. The initiative launched by Indian government, the Integrated Childhood Development Service (ICDS) in 1975 to combat the problem of malnutrition in the country, in spite of financial issues is still considered to be the most efficient program in improving the health of children in country.
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In the recession period of 2009, India’s poverty rate increased from 27 percent to 37 percent. This pushed-back 100 million more Indians below poverty line. Increasing population growth rate has also been one reason behind lagging people in extreme poverty in India. The agricultural growth has also declined in past years though services and industries have grown their growth figures. Agriculture being the strongest earner in India’s GDP and as per India news at least 60 percent of India’s population depends on agriculture as per Indian economy stats. Diversification in caste is widespread in rural areas and continues to separate out people from growth.