India’s Poverty Line defines all about National Development
India is gaining popularity on world platform but still the poverty factor remains the same. With the nation stated as third poor country of world, ap...
India is gaining popularity on world platform but still the poverty factor remains the same. With the nation stated as third poor country of world,

approximately 32% of people in India live below international poverty line. Also as per latest news 37% people live below national poverty line. Though it has been predicted that in three to four years India’s poverty rate will decrease by 15% as of now but initiatives are yet to come. With GDP rising day-by-day, it seems that the poverty line will increase in future. In breaking news, out of 81 developing countries 78 countries have shown progress in improving their poverty rate. Considered to be a long-term goal, steps has been initiated but for now no improvements have been made to reduce poverty line immediately. Poverty has caused malnutrition among children and in India only 34% of total children are underweight out of worlds. Several programs have been initiated by Indian government and non-governmental organizations to improve poverty. Subsidizing food and other necessities, increased access to loans, improving agricultural techniques and price supports have surely helped in aid from poverty. Further government is promoting education and family planning in poverty hit states of India. These measures have helped in cutting down absolute poverty levels and have also reduced illiteracy and malnutrition. In current news, poverty alleviation in India has shown a ray of hope for people living below poverty line to improve their budget line. Indian government launched the Integrated Childhood Development Service (ICDS) in 1975 to combat the problem of malnutrition in the country. Despite of financial issues, ICDS is still considered to be efficient in improving the health of children in country.Badly struck by the effects of worldwide recession in 2009, India’s poverty rate increased from 27% to 37%. This plunged 100 million more Indians into poverty line. One reason behind this extreme poverty in India is its increasing population growth rate. Services and industry have grown their growth figures but agriculture growth rate has dropped. More than 60% of India’s population depends on agriculture and also agriculture alone has 18% GDP in Latest News of Indian economy stats. Another reason of poverty is caste based system of India. Diversification in caste is widespread in rural areas and continues to separate out people from growth. The planning schemes imposed by government to help the poor attain self-sufficiency in food production have helped a lot in reducing poverty rate. But the rate of poverty reduction lags behind the rapid population growth rate of India.