Viral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to promote your blog, business, product or whatever it is your trying to promote . But, not everyone is successful in virtual marketing. If you are on of those unsuccessful ones, read on to find out 7 most common Viral marketing mistakes made by viral marketer.
Viral marketing is one of the most powerful ways to promote your blog,

business, product or whatever it is your trying to promote . But, not everyone is successful in virtual marketing. If you are on of those unsuccessful ones, read on to find out 7 most common Viral marketing mistakes that you can avoid in order to have a successful viral marketing campaign.
Not knowing how to make a marketing piece “viral”
In today’s world of internet and technology, something like a brochure is not enough for a viral marketing. There is a very small possibility of creating buzz, if any at all using things like that. Yes, there is no guaranteed method for creating a 100% effective viral marketing piece, but in this day and age, you can do a lot better than that.
Not offering incentives to encourage people to pass it along
It is possible to get the message passed on without offering any reward, but we all know, people like to be rewarded. By providing incentives you can encourage people to pass on the message. Many successful marketers, offer free memberships, commissions, more articles, more eBooks and etc, to those who help to spread the word.
Not making it interesting enough
Say you are using an article or an e-book to promote your business, if you fail to make a high quality report or e-book that has useful content in it, you will have trouble with spreading the word, even if you were offering incentives to spread the word. On the other hand, if your article or whatever you use for your viral marketing, is useful and informative, people will pass it along, even without any incentives offered by you.
Not offering rewards for joining
This time the rewards is supposed to be aimed at people who you are trying to attract. Many people forget the simple fact that offering a free download, a free e-book or whatever for those who respond, is the easiest and fastest way to have a successful promotion. People love free things. Encourage them to join by promising and giving them a free gift. Usually gift that are relevant to the subject of your campaign are more effective.
Not encouraging others to spread the word
We often forget how a simple line of text like “if you find this information useful, please consider telling others about it”, can convince people to spread the word. It can do wonders. Many people don’t pass it along, simply because they didn’t think it was needed, since you didn’t ask for it. So, make sure you ask your already members, costumers, readers or whatever to invite others to join as well.
Putting all the effort behind one single piece
Many of us have this attitude of giving it just ONE BIG try, and if it didn’t work, we give it up. How many successful people do you know that achieved their success with just one try? Instead of focusing all of your effort into one thing, create a process for creating, promoting, testing and measuring continual viral marketing efforts.
Not experimenting and trying new things
Trial end error is one of the basics of most successful businesses. Test different methods. Chang things up and see which one works better. For example if you wrote an article and post it on a article directory in hopes of getting traffic to your blog, and you see that its not driving much traffic to your site, try to change the title of it, or add or delete parts of it. By testing various combinations and measuring the results, you can find out what works best and what doesn’t.
A successful promotion is the difference between a dying business and a active thriving business. The more successful you are in promoting your business, blog, product or whatever your promoting, the more chance you have for succeeding in your business. And viral marketing has proved to be an effective promotional tool.