BLOGGING TIPS - The Ultimate Blogging Tips (Part 4)
Ok, this is The Ultimate Blogging Tips Part 4. Enjoy.
16. Find Your Niche and Stick To ItWell,

this is what you're going to do with your blog. First you find a niche, which you like to discuss about. It can be your hobby. Like discussing about football, or anything that you like. Then stick to it. This is the hardest part. Most bloggers fail, not most bloggers actually. I should say, most people fail because they give up, they don't stay long enough. If they keep on, success will eventually become theirs. To make achieve this, you must find a topic which you like to talk about. If your blog topic is about something that you don't like, do you think that you can stick with it long enough? I bet, you will give up very soon. So, be wise when choosing your niche. And if you want to make more money from your blog, don't write about personal life stories. This is because not everyone are interested in your personal life. Except your friends and family. But if you are an artist, singer, actor, please do so.17. Always Post About 'How To'This is what they said. The 'how to' posts will drive more traffic to your blog. I'm not sure, but what I know is that readers like these kind of posts. The 'how to' here means post that teach people on certain subject. For example, 'how to make a vanilla pudding', 'how to jump higher when playing basketball' and etc. So now you know, readers like to read these kind of posts, you must be clever to capture readers' heart. Always post more about 'how to'. The reason I think here is mostly because people who are surfing the web, are looking for information. They want information that can benefit them, and all these information mainly are those 'how to' info.18. Always Exchange Links With Other AuthorThis is what you need to do ALWAYS! Links are very important if you want your blog to stand out among others, or easier to be searched in search engine. As you know, there are millions of blogs out there in cyberspace. So are you expecting that writing some good quality posts going to make you tops 10 in search engine? Don't even dream about it. You are going to compete with millions of bloggers, and thousands of full time bloggers. What you can do is to find more links. Always ask for link exchange from other sites or blogs. The best is the site is in the same topic as yours. This is a slow but a must do process for your blogs. Some sites, mostly not blogs, are using auto link exchanger to get to the top in search engine. So you can imagine how crucial links are for internet websites. I've also offer Link Exchange, Viral Links in my blog. You are always welcome to exchange link with me.19. Add A Subscription Box For Your ReadersThis is what you can do for your blog readers. Readers who are interested in your blog post may subscribe to your blog. And whenever you publish a post, your subscriber will receive it via email. You can have this service free from FeedBurner. Just like my blog, The Millionaire Secrets. It has got a subscription box on the side bar. Therefore readers can always subcribe to your blog posts. Why you need this? Of course, one of the reason is to have more returning visits from your loyal readers. When they received the email, they may visit your blog. Another reason is that this will make your blog looks more professional, and you can attract loyal readers this way. Since this service is free from FeedBurner, why don't you try it?20. Link Back To Your Older Posts Whenever PossibleI've talked about this in my previous post, 10 Common Blogging Mistakes. You know what, if you have a good post, then you definitely want a lot of links which are pointing toward it. You don't want your readers to miss out a good post in your blog right. So this is what you need to do. When you mention about something that has connection with your older topic, be sure to link to it. Well, I don't want to talk more about this, you can always read about this point here, 10 Common Blogging Mistakes. So can you see, I'm also linking back to my older post.