How To Increase Your Traffic And Keep It Coming Forever
In order for a business or website to turn a profit it must have a steady flow of targeted prospects. So, for the sake of simplicity one can assume that the first order of business would be generating traffic. The "How and Where" is what this article will deal with.
Assuming you've got your website in place and a quality product to sell. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to the nitty gritty of Traffic Generation.1) Invest in Google’s Adwords and Yahoo’s PPC Ads!There may be some reluctance to spend money for traffic generation. This kind of traffic is very targeted. People that click your ads are interested in what you have and will generally buy. It will be well worth your while to invest in this type of advertising. To not do so would be like shooting yourself in the foot.With a well written ad your traffic will increase as well as your sales. Ultimately that is your goal,

is it not?2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites.Exchanging links with other relevant sites is a very good way to benefit from the traffic of those websites. It will also make the search engines take notice of your site. Being a great form of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The more sites you have with a link pointing back to yours causes your site's importance to increase.This can be a time consuming and frustrating undertaking. You can spend many long hours searching and contacting relevant site owners getting very little response. Don't be discouraged. Just set aside a certain amount of time for this activity every day. You'll eventually achieve the desired results. Remember, this is not a race.3) Viral Marketing Giving away something of value at your site which contains your website name and address is a great way to get the word out about your company. Giving the person you gave it to the right to give it away to his or her visitors as well. By providing them with a way to rebrand the ebook or software with their web address and name. Your information will always remain but the new owners will also be able to benefit from it. You'll be amazed at how many copy's get distributed. Especially if the item is of help and has significant value.4) Proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content.If your site doesn't utilize the proper keywords or phrases the search engines won't know how or where to categorize your site. The importance of your site will be determined by the keywords your optimized for as well as relevant backlinks. Take the time to tweak your sites content making sure that your utilizing the proper keywords and phrases.This will assist you in ranking high in search engine results.5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site.Enough cannot be said nor can it be stressed enough that "Article Writing" is the cheapest and most effective way to drive traffic to your site or your affiliate program. Most will claim their writing skills are not good enough or that they hate to write or I just don't have the time. With the availability of PLR articles and places such as where you can hire a writer to do your writing, not having articles to distribute is not an option. PLR articles can be purchased and rewritten with your name and company as the author. They can be posted on your site and submitted to article directories with a resource box at the bottom.The resource box contains an attention grabbing blurb about your site or affiliate site as well as the link to that particular site.6) Join Marketing ForumsThis would be another viable form of advertising. However, don't be tempted to jump out there and respond to a topic unless you know something about the topic being discussed. Just for the sake of dropping a link. You're liable to piss the moderator off and get yourself banned from the board. Hang around awhile, see if you can't contribute something that will help someone. Participate awhile before leaving your signature.7) Lastly, Write an ezine/newsletter. This task can also be outsourced if you're pressed for time. Providing your subscribers with relevant, useful information that makes their daily efforts more effective helps them and you as well. A true win, win strategy. Sart implimenting these strategies and you can be guaranteed a surge in traffic and sales. Just remember that you can't just read this. You have to do this. For if you do nothing, nothing is what happens.