2013, Seems to Be Unlucky!
“Oh My God! It’s 2013; we got unlucky number 13 over here. It is predicted that this number is always a sign of danger and threat comes in many faces”...
“Oh My God! It’s 2013; we got unlucky number 13 over here. It is predicted that this number is always a sign of danger and threat comes in many faces”. It’s not only me who says this but it has been revealed already by many great pundits also that even If you are leaving in a house which belongs to this numbers,

found to be unsuccessful for the people residing there. And, that’s the reason for film makers to make movies also like “House NO.13” and etc.., stating this number to be wretched. Anyways, we knew beforehand about 2012, as the end of world but we lived and fought bravely with each and every problems of our life, so let us forget about the unlucky thing and welcome this New Year.It’s that time of year end and to welcome a New Year once again, when we all mark the passage of another year by drinking bubbly liquids from skinny glasses, kissing someone at midnight, and promising to do a bunch of stuff that we’re not really going to do. Whenever we start a next year, we really want to focus on the “new” part. Anywhere we can get a “clean slate”, we attempt. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry is starting the New Year’s fresh with a strong and honest mentality. Some people like to make New Year’s resolution to expand their life style. Like to go on diet and to save more money and stop buying needless stuffs and so on. But some people end up breaking there firmness by the next week. Besides by those people I mean I myself because I am a person that breakdown there resolution by the subsequent two or three days. Each time the New Year rolls around and I sit down to do my yearly resolutions, I reflect back to a lesson taught me by a remarkable incidents or happenings in my life. This time I am going to try my best to stick to my determination. But I have many so I don’t think that it’s going to be so easy. My first and most important resolution is to be firm on my resolutions throughout the year, Hehehee…. Just kidding actually my main determination is to contribute a bit in saving the nature and takes all the measures to save earth, resources and its creatures; such as not to use plastic but paper and other things that can be recycled which are essential to avoid Global Warming. The second resolution is not to harm anyone with my words or deeds. The third is to control my anger as I am very short tempered. The fourth and the last one is I want to become more independent in my attitudes and viewpoints and to get the aptitude to separate my decisions from those of others. And those are my new year’s resolution for 2013 and what about you well it’s all up to you how you make the year ahead with what resolutions. Well guys there’s nothing like lucky or unlucky it’s all about what and how we face the situations that’s it. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all and have a best future ahead, do wish me the same OK.