Dealing with debt: 3 debt relief options you can try

Jul 8


Viola Kailee

Viola Kailee

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Debt relief is a light in the tunnel for people dealing with debt. It is an opportunity to regain your financial strength and put your life back into balance. If you have credit card debt or student debt, read these recommendations and learn how to get help with debt relief. Try to consider all the possible options, as well as negative and positive sides and make the right decision for your future.


Understanding debt relief

Debt relief includes a number of different ways and initiatives to help individuals in controlling,Dealing with debt: 3 debt relief options you can try Articles lowering or completely eliminating a debt they have accumulated. Many ways of debt relief exist and they depend on the type of debt you have, your finances, as well as the alternatives for returning it to the lender. 

3 debt relief options you can try and their consequences

There are several debt relief options that you might want to consider. Debt consolidation, debt settlement and bankruptcy are the top 3 options which could work best, given that you know how to take advantage of them. All of them have differing long-term financial ramifications, eligibility and credit impact.

Debt consolidation

Debt consolidation is the process of putting multiple debts together into either one large, new loan or one payment plan. This means you may have more time to pay off the debt and you may be able to get a lower interest rate. It can also make the process of payment more simple. Instead of trying to manage multiple accounts and know when their due dates are, you will be able to pay off one account and finish your debt. You can do this through a personal loan from a bank or credit union. Another option is home equity loan or balance transfer of credit card debt. All types of debt consolidation affect credit scores positively, but they can have more or less of an effect on an individual’s finances in both the short and long term. Reconsider the potential interest, fees, and periods of debt consolidation in light of your debt and financial situation.

Debt settlement

Debt settlement means to negotiate payment terms with the creditors or the bank so that you can pay less than the total amount you owe. You can either learn all the details around the process of debt settlement and do it on your own or work with a company that specializes in this area. Either way, you will have to negotiate lump-sum payments or structured settlements that result in a lower total amount. The process is simple: 

  • First, develop a savings plan;
  • Negotiate with creditors to work out a payback plan;
  • Make the agreed-upon payments not directly to the creditors, but to a savings account.

These steps will likely affect your credit scores and can result in fees. Proceed with caution and talk to a professional before taking the route to debt settlement to ensure that it fully meets you financial needs. 


Individuals and businesses in the United States can get emergency debt relief if they file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal process and there are two types of it when referred to individuals - Chapter 7 and 13. The first one includes selling off assets that are not protected by law - like credit cards and medical bills. Chapter 13 allows for you to keep your assets. Thus, you will be able to repay your debts over the course of three to five years. This has to be approved by the court. 

When a person files for bankruptcy, it automatically stops most actions against that person by most creditors. These actions include lawsuits, wage garnishments, and the undesirable collection calls most people loathe. This fresh start allows the debtor to turn their focus toward the bankruptcy process itself and away from the immediate "smothering" the person may have felt from the aforementioned collection actions. It is important to note that filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision that can have long-term effects on a person's finances and credit history. So it is very important to "get it right" and to seek the advice of a well-informed bankruptcy attorney.

Should you contact a bankruptcy lawyer when dealing with debt?

It is definitely in your best interest to hire a bankruptcy lawyer if you are struggling with a debt. Bankruptcy attorneys concentrate on the ins and outs of debt relief, and they serve as a lifeline for getting through all sorts of financial situations. They can also represent you in court, help you negotiate with all entities involved in your debt, as well as file any paperwork needed for the process.