The newest guitar from rock legend Eddie Van Halen is the Fender Wolfgang. Originally named after the rocker’s son and band-mate the Fender Wolfgang is the result of over 35 years of playing and “tinkering” from Eddie Van Halen.
This Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has been compared to such “guitar gods” as Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. Eddie admits to always being unsatisfied concerning his guitar and for years he had destroyed hundreds of guitars by “Halenizing” them by adding pickups from one model to one he like or by grafting the neck from one style and onto the body of another.
In fact he has been known to be brutal on his instruments in his never ending quest to find what he considers to be the ultimate rock guitar. This is why this newest version of the Wolfgang is so important.
The Wolfgang was originally produced by the Peavey Electronic company out of Martin Mississippi. They had worked with Eddie on several projects previous such as his 5150 head amp and the 5150-212 combo amplifier. Peavey manufactured their version of the Wolfgang from 1996 to 2004, when Eddie and the company parted ways.
But it wasn’t until 2006 that Eddie with new design innovations running through his head approached Fender master guitar builder and designer Chip Ellis for help developing the new Wolfgang. Finally after two years of designing, building and “road” testing by Van Halen personally while on tour, the Fender Wolfgang was launched in 2008.
Of course one of the perfect guitar accessories for the Wolfgang is the newly improved Fender EVH 5150iii amp. This amp was designed to help guitarists duplicate Eddie Van Halen’s famous “Brown Sound”.
Using the same amp setup and electronics as their favorite band has always been a fantasy of many aspiring rock stars. But most electric guitar accessories endorsed by the big guys often fall short when it comes sound or quality. Not so with the new line of 5150’s from Fender.
This signature amp unit and matching 4x12 speaker cabinet not only allow you to get finally get that elusive Eddie “brown sound” but has 3 channels with crystal clear cleans, great tone quality and over the top high-gains with long lasting harmonics and sustain.
The next set of guitar accessories for the Wolfgang includes the basics: cables and strings. Yes, I can hear you now, but yes the difference in sound quality between a premium guitar cable and one that is so-so one can be surprising.
Eddie has all this EVH signature cables made to his exacting specs and after 35 years, he may know a little bit about weak signal transfers and noise when it come to this type of guitar accessories for the Wolfgang. The core of this cable is 99 percent pure copper for max conductivity, surrounded by a low loss poly dielectric and covered by conductive poly shield. A second shield is made from copper windings to prevent interfere and the whole thing covered in wear resistant PVC jacket.
The EVH guitar accessories for the Wolfgang include a deluxe set of strings. Made with a hex core and covered by nickel windings make these some of the durable guitar strings in the industry. These strings are able to take a beating every night yet retaining their tonal qualities.
No matter what kind of electric guitar accessories, you desire, guitar accessories for Wolfgang are some the best ones in the industry.
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