Hair Crimper & Crimping Iron Review
Remember the hair trends from the 1980s? Big hair and even bigger bangs? How about the crimped style?
If you are a sucker for comebacks,

you'll be happy to know that the comeback of the crimping iron is in full force. With everyone's quest for individuality today, its easy to see why comebacks are such a big deal. Hair trends coming back to life is as stylish as it comes. The bump made its way from the beehive days and now the crimp look is reviving itself from the 80s version. Crimping your hair can be a fun way to individualize your personal style. The hair crimper comes in many varieties in today's market, even in a wave form for those who like to achieve a romantic or beachy look.
Here is the new wave of crimping irons being sold today:
Gold N Hot Triple Barrel Waver: This tool, which possesses three barrels, gives your hair soft waves and shine. It can be purchased for about $20.
Gold N Hot Professional Crimping Iron: This traditional crimping iron, made by Gold N Hot, is a classic approach to the crimped look. It will take you back in time as you showcase your classic crimp. It can be bought for under $20.
Hot Tools Hair Crimper Iron - 2" HT1191: This 2 inch crimper produces the most beautiful eye catching, crimps in just seconds and feature variable temperatures, so you'll be sure to find the right temp for your hair type and texture. The Hot Tools iron sells for around $40.
Hot N Silky Tourmaline Ceramic Professional Crimping Iron: This iron uses ceramic and tourmaline energies to give your hair a classic crimped look. Try this look on your next night out and have fun with your new style. This iron is sold for around $25.
BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Mini Waver Iron BABNT3350: The mini titanium waver iron allows you to produce a variety of sassy looks. With a max temperature of 400 F, this iron leaves a shine finish and sets waves in only seconds. Best of all, it fit comfortably in a purse, small bag or in your luggage. The BaByliss PRO iron sells for around $35.
Don't wait for your next salon visit to get wonderfully styled hair. There are so many products and appliances sold these days. These products can produce the same quality performance as any salon can produce. Have fun and flirt with your crimps or curls. Be unique and try something new. Your friends will turn their head when they see your newest creation, and they'll want a crimping iron too.
Go online today to browse the many hair crimpers or wave appliances being offered by many retailers and brands. Hair styling doesn't have to be expensive, nor does a beautiful style have to be done by a professional. Create your own unique style today. Shop for a crimper iron and be your own stylist. Purchase your own professional
hair crimper.