How to Create a Candy Buffet
Candy buffets are fun alternatives to traditional dessert buffets and even unique spins on the kinds of parting gifts offered at events like wedding r...
Candy buffets are fun alternatives to traditional dessert buffets and even unique spins on the kinds of parting gifts offered at events like wedding receptions. If you’d like to give candy buffets a try,

check out the three steps below to help you get started.Step #1: Choose the Appropriate CandyThis is probably the most fun step of them all and, depending on how well you know your guests, it might be the easiest step, too. When choosing treats for your candy buffet, be sure to serve treats your guests are most likely to enjoy. If you’re creating the buffet for a children’s party, go with fun, brightly colored novelty candies. If you’re creating the buffet for a reception, choose candies adults might like such as gourmet chocolates.Also keep in mind that it’s okay to mix and match. For example, you might want to serve both wrapped and unwrapped candies.Step #2: Select the Best Containers and Candy ScoopsThe display fixtures and other accessories serve two purposes.First, the fixtures (which, for candy buffets, usually consist of clear plastic containers or plastic bins, but colored plastic containers add fun visual appeal at parties) must be the right size for your display space and your candy, while making the treats easily accessible for your guests. If you’re treating your buffet like a parting gift display, you can even choose smaller, attractive containers in which your guests can carry home the candy.Second, the accessories (which usually consist of candy scoops like stainless scoops) are necessary to help guests gather the unwrapped candy they want without touching the rest of it.NOTE: If you’re serving unwrapped candy, you might want to choose containers with lids to help ensure it stays safe from any kind of party debris. And, depending on the purpose of your buffet, you might need to set up attractive containers for your customers to hold the candy to take it home.Step #3: Arrange the Candy Buffet Finally, it’s time to arrange the candy buffet.If you haven’t yet, choose the location of your candy buffet. Normally, the location will depend on the kind of event you’re hosting (for example, a buffet at a wedding might be positioned at the end of each reception table; a buffet at a birthday party might work better on a large table on the outskirts of the main floor). If you’re having trouble deciding where to situate the candy buffet, just look for the place (or, places) that will be out of your guests’ way but close enough to for them to access almost immediately.As you’re arranging the buffet, pretend you’re a candy store owner. Make sure you arrange the candy and all accessories, like the candy scoops, in the most convenient way for your guests. Try out a few different versions on your family members and friends to find the best layout before the big day.