Do you doubts about your Lladró figurine? Take a look to the aspects to have into account in order to know if it is authentic or not.
Sometimes some sellers are trying to make us believe that a Lladró figurine is authentic but it is truly false. This is why we have to try to identify some of the aspects to take into account in order to verify the part towards which we have doubts about its authenticity.
Aspects to be taken into account as regards to the authenticity of a Lladró piece
As you can see, the same Lladró Company ensures a verification inclusion in all its pieces, its hallmarks and indisputable signs to avoid fakes that can be done about them. However, and unfortunately, the counterfeits remain - like the black markets, in which pieces are sold for a much more economic or fired price.
It is for this reason that we must be very sure where to purchase a single piece such as those developed by Lladró. The advice would be to acquire them in a Lladró store - you can see all of them in its web page, and they can be found throughout the world. In it we also find the authorized points of sale. Another option is to purchase online in the same page of Lladró or in approved portals for this purpose.
Do you still have doubts?
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