Microdermabrasion Sydney- Non-Surgical Skin Care Treatment

Mar 29


miki barzig

miki barzig

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Microdermabrasion Sydney is carried out in order to treat sun damage, tanning and discolouration, in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and also treat other skin problems. This technique thickens the skin which leaves one with lovely skin and much younger looking complexion. As we grow older, collagen production is less which result in lose, dull and uneven skin. This technique of skin treatment is also excellent for people with acne problem, superficial acne scars, dull skin and acne discoloration.


One of the most recent skin care techniques is microdermabrasion. This is a wonderful technique that can give an instant facelift. It is an excellent alternative to the more expensive plastic surgery,Microdermabrasion Sydney- Non-Surgical Skin Care Treatment Articles chemical peels and Botox. As opposed to plastic surgery, more and more people are turning to microdermabrasion Sydney. This advanced technique includes tiny rough grains that effectively polish the surface layer of the skin. However, before one start with this technique you must have a sound knowledge of how it works.  

The top layer of the skin is called stratum corneum. It is like a wall between the lower skin layer and the atmosphere. This layer is exposed to dust and dirt and all the skin problems start here.  When one applies cream or lotions to the outer layer of the skin, only a small part of the moisture gets deep into the lower layer. Microdermabrasion treatments are done without any kind of surgery and it rejuvenates the facial skin gradually at the stratum corneum level. This procedure is less aggressive in comparison to other method called, dermabrasion as the later involves the use of instrument to remove the uneven and thicker layer of skin.  

Microdermabrasion Sydney is carried out in order to treat sun damage, tanning and discolouration, in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and also treat other skin problems. This technique thickens the skin which leaves one with lovely skin and much younger looking complexion. As we grow older, collagen production is less which result in lose, dull and uneven skin. This technique of skin treatment is also excellent for people with acne problem, superficial acne scars, dull skin and acne discoloration. People who are stressed with deep acne scars may have to undergo few seating with this treatment or opt for surgical dermabrasion or other treatment.

There is probably no specific limitation of age or sex for this treatment. Children over the age of twelve and adults aged up to 70 can take the benefit of this unique procedure. However, people with more age may experience certain problems such as skin abrasions or bruising. It is recommended that this treatment should be done under the strict supervision of a plastic surgeon or experienced dermatologist.

Microdermabrasion Treatments in Sydney can be done at many recognized and well-known spas in the city. These are equipped with modern facilities and only certified professionals cater to your needs.