Quick wins that will boost your local SEO

Jun 21


Viola Kailee

Viola Kailee

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Local search is something we all do every day. We might use Google to search for a local cab firm or somewhere to grab a coffee or to find a local electrician. There are about four billion local search queries typed into Google every day, and local SEO is all about making sure your business ranks near the top of the most relevant local search results to catch as many of the business opportunities local search generates as possible.


Local SEO is where your physical and digital presences collide. Hawaii SEO advisor Nick Ponte has been eloquent about local SEO’s impact on the local businesses he serves in Hawaii,Quick wins that will boost your local SEO Articles from boosting their online visibility to bringing more physical footfalls to their location and ultimately generating millions in additional revenue through local business. 

There are literally dozens of aspects to local SEO. Many of are a technical nature and are best left with the experts. However, there are some highly valuable strategies that anyone can implement to give their local SEO a healthy shot in the arm. 

1) Your Google Profile is core to Local SEO

Formerly known as Google My Business, the Google Business Profile is a free Google listing for your business, and getting it right delivers the biggest local SEO gains for the smallest effort. If your business doesn’t have a Google profile you can add one at business.google.com. If you already have one, make sure you regularly update it, for example by adding new photos from time to time, and keeping contact details and business hours up to date.

2) People judge you on your customer reviews, and so does Google 

Marketing 101 states that what other people say about your business counts for more than what you say about it yourself. But studies by the SEO experts at Moz have shown that the quantity and quality of reviews also influences local SEO. That includes both reviews on your business’s Google profile but also in other places such as your website, local directories and even social media. Don’t be shy, ask your customers to leave a review and even show them how to. 

3) Be as mobile-focused as your local customers

Most people use their smartphones to make local search queries. We see them do it all around us every day, whether they are checking the bus times or choosing somewhere to go for lunch. Local SEO must be mobile-centric. Make sure your website is mobile optimized and that it and your Google listing both have a click to call button so that when potential customers finds you using mobile search, they can seamlessly connect with you. 

4) Build local links and boost community spirit

Link building is a component of SEO that is usually left to the digital marketing specialists. However, when it is focused on local SEO, it is actually far easier. Think again about those Hawaii businesses mentioned earlier. The local surfboard shop, café and music shop might all have noticeboards with advertisements and posters promoting one another’s businesses. Doing the same on their websites is great for local SEO and also promotes a sense of community spirit and camaraderie. 

5) Social listening will keep you one step ahead

Social media marketing and SEO are usually seen as separate disciplines. However, the former can be valuable in driving the latter. Be active on social media and monitor your social mentions, both good and bad. These can drive more advanced aspects of your local SEO efforts, such as content marketing, to create blog posts that resonate with your local customers. Or it might even inspire alterations to your product or service offering to align it better with local demands or trends. This could include staying open later or expanding a particular product line.