Rethink, Restyle, Revamp!!!
The forever changing fashion trends are a constant source of anxiety for fashionettes as everyone has a desire to be up to fate in terms of style. The trends and style always remain in regular rotation and one never knows what may totally vanish and what may reappear the next season or a couple of seasons later.
It’s safe to invest in items that one can assume will last for a long time,

but when it comes to trends one cannot always play safe as playing safe is usually not a lot of fun and doesn’t include experimentation.All those who are wild at heart and want to experiment, are faces with the dilemma of letting go of their favorite items too soon just because of the rapid change in trends. Actually, the more classic and regular the items are the more chances of survival there are, whereas, the trendier and wilder items have less chances and disappear from the scenes soon. Sometimes you may notice that the fastest growing trend goes out of style even sooner. Fashion has a unique cycle and it usually trickles down. By the time some trend reaches the streets and becomes common another trend has already taken over at the high fashion end. Fashion evolves, revives and like history repeats itself. Fashion and trends also tend to repeat the bygone traditions and styles. So the chances are the item you once parted with may come back and become a latest style statement. The solution to this is to get rid of those items that are uselessly occupying too much space in the closet. Plus, restyling something doesn’t mean that everything can look nice. Trust your instincts and seek pieces that can be paired with something else. Much effort won’t be required to make them look new. It is best to not throw away the neutral that were bought some time back unless they are in bad shape. To be current and modern is a state of mind and attitude with which one carries one’s self and not an item which one can possess to become or look modern. The classic pieces and opulent embellishments reign supreme in our traditional styles and the savvy looks of the past always tend to fit in and come back. Sometimes their presence is understood and the sexiness of the past is subtle and sometimes it completely takes over. So to completely alter or adjust seems to be the question. The best would be to save the classic pieces as much as possible from cutting and major adjustments unless there’s no other way, so that they can be restyled and reused over again. Lengths fit and style can always be altered or adjusted without completely taking away the actual essence. The trick lies in reteaming and repairing. It’s best not too overly indulge in using everything old as some element of newness can make all the difference and add the much desired and missing funk and kick to an ensemble.