Top 5 Ways Instagram Can Help You with Your College Applications

Jun 20


Viola Kailee

Viola Kailee

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Applying to college can feel like solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. What if we told you that one of your favorite apps – Instagram − could help you determine and get into the college of your dreams? Yup, it can. And after you find out how, you’ll want to rush off to fuel your Instagram game and start your college hunt. Today, we will share 5 best ways to use Instagram to boost your college application process. Stay tuned for some expert tips!


1. Discovering Colleges and Universities

First,Top 5 Ways Instagram Can Help You with Your College Applications Articles Instagram is a goldmine of first-person insights into the college campuses you’re considering. Almost every college in the country has an official Instagram feed where they post about campus affairs, student life, and other cool stuff going on. Many of these posts offer a live-time glimpse of what is happening on campus. It’s like walking into a college brochure that updates itself daily, and many of these feeds offer the opportunity to direct message them. No need to go to a campus visit! What is more, you can dive right into the comment section and find out all the juicy details about campus activities and university life you would otherwise miss out on.

2. Learning From College Application Experts

Tune into Instagram accounts that share tips and tricks on how to nail the SAT, write a darn good essay, or crush your college interview. Considering most educational consultants and subject experts post free advice and live sessions or Q&As on the platform, having access to an account like this is like having a college wingman in my pocket.

3. Staying Updated on Application Deadlines and Requirements

Keeping track of deadlines, essay prompts, and recommendation letter requirements for every application is exhausting. Follow the colleges you’re applying to, along with any educational pages/accounts, and you’ll have them in one feed. If you need extra help with your application, contact a writing service. Just Google, “Who can write my essay with quality authors?” and pick a service with good reviews. If in doubt, try Academized  – their experts are always ready to pounce on any request.

4. Networking with Current Students and Alumni

Are you dying to have a virtual chat with a student from your ultimate dream school – without ever leaving your bedroom? Instagram can make that happen in a jiffy. Follow current students or graduates. Like their posts. And don’t be shy: ask them questions! It’s a great way to get insider info about what the admissions committee might be looking for or how to survive freshman year. Just remember: be polite and professional! 

5. Showcasing Your Extracurricular Activities

Instagram can serve as a rolling portfolio of your interests and accomplishments. Be an artist posting your paintings. Be a musician posting yourself at a gig. Be a volunteer posting about your community service. Instagram is one way to demonstrate your interests with a visual timeline of your accomplishments. It enhances your application. Just don’t forget to make your profile public so admissions officers can check it out.

Swipe Right on Your College Future

Who knew that all this double-tapping could get you into college? As we can see, Instagram is no longer just for selfies and food pics – if you’re willing to put in some creativity and strategy, it can be a secret weapon in your college application arsenal. So get following, liking, and posting. ? Oh, and don’t forget to do some actual application work!
