The Profound Influence of Mantra Science on Mental and Spiritual Well-being

Feb 14


Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma

Yuga Rishi Shriram Sharma

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Mantra Science, an ancient practice rooted in the Vedic tradition, is more than just the repetition of sacred sounds; it is a transformative process that shapes the mind and connects the individual to the divine cosmic consciousness. This science of mental reflection and wisdom has been revered by the great Rishis, or seers, of India, who recognized its power to mold the psyche and bring forth energy. Through the deliberate choice of words and their arrangement, Mantras serve as a conduit for cultural aphorisms and life's elevation. The practice of Mantra chanting, whether mental, vocal, or whispered, is designed to generate specific energy vibrations that can influence both the individual and the environment. This article delves into the intricacies of Mantra Science, exploring its principles, effects, and potential to harness sound energy for spiritual advancement and worldly benefits.

Understanding Mantra Science and Its Origins

Mantra Science is an ancient discipline that emphasizes the power of mental reflection,The Profound Influence of Mantra Science on Mental and Spiritual Well-being Articles known as 'Manan,' which involves repeatedly contemplating a particular subject. This repetitive thought process ingrains the subject into the very fabric of our mind, shaping our mental nature. The energy derived from Mantras is thus tailored to the individual's psyche, and it is from this science and wisdom that profound energy springs forth.

The Vedas, ancient Indian scriptures, describe Rishis as those who have engaged in Mantra Sadhana (spiritual practices), experienced its depths, and reaped multifaceted benefits. These practices are said to strengthen the weakened bonds between the individual soul and the divine cosmic consciousness, often referred to as Almighty God in layman's terms.

The Selection and Power of Mantra Words

The book 'Antaryoga' by Mahayogi Anirvan suggests that the words chosen for Mantras are based on intense experiences and divine consciousness. The 'Mantra Maharnav,' a seminal text on Mantra Science, concurs, defining Mantra as a form of mental reflection, deep cogitation, science, wisdom, and knowledge. The nature of this reflection is achieved through Mantra Energy, which can dispel spiritual ignorance and darkness within the soul.

The Phenomenon of Sphot in Mantra Science

Sphot refers to the extraordinary effect that special sounds have on the divine principle. This concept is foundational to Indian Spirituality, including the Agam and Nigam traditions, and underpins the vast family of Mantra and Tantra branches. The power of sound, subtle yet piercing, was recognized by Indian spiritual seers who advanced the Science of Mantras, understanding that spoken words influence not only the individual but the entire cosmos.

The Subtle and Visible Effects of Sound

Sound has both indirect subtle influences and visible effects, the latter manifesting as Vaikhari Vani or gross speech. When this speech is empowered through special techniques, it becomes 'Vak,' a form of energy that transcends human hearing and impacts the three Lokas or worlds.

The Significance of Word Weaving in Mantras

Kautsa Muni emphasized the importance of how words are interwoven in Mantras over their literal meaning. The power of Mantras, such as the Super Mantra Gayatri, lies not in their common meanings but in their intricate word arrangements. Beej or Seed Mantras, for instance, may not have explicit meanings, but their significance lies in the energy vibrations they emit when chanted.

The Dual Reaction of Mantra Chanting

Mantra chanting elicits a two-fold reaction: internal and external. Internally, it generates energy within the body's Chakras and glands, while externally, it creates upheavals that influence the environment. This process is akin to the effects of soldiers marching in unison on a bridge, where the synchronized sound can cause the bridge to collapse.

The Role of Sound Energy in Mantra Practices

The 'Retro meter,' a device invented by American scientist Nyuma E Thomas, demonstrates that sound energy can be converted into electrical energy without an external power source. This principle aligns with the nature of Ultra Sound, which is similar to light waves and can be reflected and reversed. Mantra chanting utilizes this principle to attract energy from various light sources through Ultra Sound Waves.

The Deities of Vedic Mantras and Their Influence

Each Vedic Mantra is associated with a deity, such as Savita for the Gayatri Mantra. Chanting a Mantra sends it through the sky's molecules to the corresponding deity or energy center, resulting in physical benefits and mental inspirations for the devotee.

The Mysterious Process of Sphota in Mantra Power

Sphota, the onrush of sound energy, is a mysterious aspect of Mantra Power comparable to the energy released in nuclear explosions. The arrangement of Mantra words is designed to induce desired Sphota, similar to nuclear fission, for spiritual and worldly achievements.

The Superiority of Mantra Devotees Over Yogis

Mantra devotees, who work with the space element, are considered to surpass Yogis in spiritual stature. Through Mantras, they create Bhava (sacred sensitive) and Sound Vritas (cycles), which influence both the individual and the collective.

The Potential of Sound's Subtle Applications

Modern science's achievements with sound's subtle applications suggest that the ancient Indian Spiritual Seers' knowledge of Mantra Science, which includes overcoming poison attacks and curing diseases, is credible. The Mahabharat War era's use of Mantra-powered weapons demonstrates the precision and power of this Sound Science.

The Future of Mantra Science and Sound Energy

Mantra Science and Sound Energy hold a prime spot in Indian Culture and will continue to do so. Their creative application can significantly contribute to creating conducive world situations and promoting global goodwill.

In conclusion, Mantra Science is a testament to the enduring wisdom of ancient practices and their relevance in modern times. As research continues to uncover the scientific underpinnings of these spiritual traditions, the potential for Mantra Science to enhance mental and spiritual well-being becomes increasingly apparent.

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