"Activate Buying Frenzies With Your Sale Letters Using 4 Types Of Sales Metaphors"

May 8


Mike Jezek

Mike Jezek

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Imagine you creating sales letters full of life and ... and ... that ... power to create more sales for your ... Sounds good doesn't it? Well in this ... article you


Imagine you creating sales letters full of life and persuasion,"Activate Buying Frenzies With Your Sale Letters Using 4 Types Of Sales Metaphors" Articles
and harnessing that persuasion power to create more sales
for your business. Sounds good doesn't it?
Well in this intriguing article you're going to get a briefing
on how to create metaphors that boost your persuasion power
in your sales messages. As you know, a metaphor, in a nutshell,
is simply a word picture. Essentially it helps to
carry your point across in another angle that your audience
may be able to better understand. Following is a brief discussion
of 4 metaphors you can use immediately:

Physical Action Metaphors. -- Use physical words or phrases
to paint word pictures depicting a physical action.

Example: "You don't build any cash value with term insurance."

Or... "You're burning up money every year with term insurance."

Or... "Avoid the sting of the IRS's whip by... "

Other Sales Metaphors. -- This metaphor lowers sales resistance
by reminding prospects that buying your product is just like buying
a product they are already familiar with.

Example: "Buying this software is just like buying a video game
for your son."

Or... "As you place your purchase for this video course,
it's no different than buying a series of exercise videos."

Competition Metaphors. -- This sales metaphor is used to
gently demonstrate your superiority over your competitors.

Example: "They said that about us? Well, I guess everyone wants to
take a shot at the fastest gun in the West.
Everyone wants to challenge the top dog, even if they're only
a little puppy, right?"

Or... "Our software is the Cadillac of accounting software
in this industry, compared to that of our competitors."

Familiarity Metaphors. -- Here's a metaphor to further
build a feeling of security and trust in your prospects.
Simply match experiences or items that your prospects are sure
to be familiar with to your sales presentation.

Example: "Many people first started out with this same software
you've been using, but... "

Or... "I'm sure you're familiar with the Secretary of Defense,
Donald Rumsfeld. Well our accounting firm does his tax work."
"Many of your fellow graduates from Texas A&M are signing up today!"

Of course there are other types of metaphors we can discuss here,
but there's only room for so many in this article.
Using metaphors will immediately put life into your sales materials,
and open up the potential for not only higher response but higher profits.
Try them, you may be blown away by the results!