A tough economy may seem like an improbable time to move current and prospective customers forward to a sale. Yet, it can actually be a great time – if you position yourself as a strategic consultant so customers realize they should not wait. Here are some ways to strengthen your strategic value.
A good sales process focuses on a wants and needs assessment before introducing a solution. A GREAT sales process focuses on wants, needs, opportunities, challenges, fears and risks! Re-read this list – it includes challenges, fears and risks.
Your market is facing these realities today. Your value increases when you think strategically with your customer and can help them answer tough questions they may not want to think about.
Here are some ways to strengthen your strategic value:
1. Look at your customers’ needs in a different light that includes the challenges, fears and risks that your customers will be facing. Answer the following questions as preparation. If you don’t know an answer, research what is going on in their specific industry or company.
2. Develop open-ended questions that will get them talking about these
areas. (Notice how none of the following example questions are directly about
your product or service.)
3. Restate the “What’s in it for Them” (WiifT) of your solution:
Recently a client who uses our Call Reluctance assessment asked to discuss it with me.
I assumed they were going to cut out this “expense”. But I changed my mindset and prepared for a great, strategic discussion. I learned they needed to increase productivity quickly. They had not thought about using the assessment information for managers to coach and increase individual productivity. They are now moving forward to train these managers.
Don’t get caught in default thinking such as, “No one is going to buy now.” Stay positive and be prepared with questions and information to assess wants, needs, opportunities, challenges, fears and risks. This will not only set yourself apart, it will help you jumpstart your sales.
Sales and Service: 7 Steps for Positive Customer Interaction
During every customer interaction, whether it’s three minutes or an hour, you leave something behind…a person who is either better or worse off than before their contact with you. To build customer loyalty we need to leave each person better. Here are seven things you can do to make sure you have a positive interaction with your customer.Focus on the WIIFT for a Powerful Presentation
A while back I had the opportunity to work for nearly two days with the best-of-the-best sales pros in a client company when I presented a workshop titled “Powerful Presentations.” A key idea in this workshop was that our sales presentations are more powerful when we focus on WIIFT – What’s in it for Them – from the open of the presentation through the close.Boosting Sales and Productivity: The Power of Action and Mastery of Basics
In the competitive world of sales, the drive for increased productivity and success is relentless. A recent survey of numerous sales managers revealed a compelling insight into the tools and strategies that elevate sales teams. The standout factor for achieving peak sales productivity? It's all about taking decisive ACTION. Coupled with a steadfast focus on the fundamentals, these elements form the bedrock of sales excellence.