Practical telephone sales tips you can use to grow your business.
Here are some "Telephone Tips" from Art Sobczak, a guy who knows more about the telephone than anyone else I know.
Avoid saying, "Hi, I'm just calling to check in with you." Parolees out on probation need to do that.
Art says, "Have a reason for calling. Have something of interest. Search your notes from previous calls and make that the reason for this call.
Jim Domanski, who contributes articles to Art's newsletter, says "The first tip in managing voice mail is NOT to leave a voice mail message. With this in mind Domanski says you should prepare a list of 50 prospects. Try calling them earlier in the morning and later in the day. Just keep dialing and talking to people who answer the phone.
Here's another tip from Art. Learn as much as possible about the company and individual you're calling so you can address issues they are facing right now and not sound ignorant, and like a smiling and dialing telemarketer.
Here's one more tip for you. Prepare a value statement that addresses possible results you can deliver (cutting costs, increasing revenue) and don't talk about selling your product or service.
Would you like even more on stuff on How To Make Awesome Telephone Calls?
Would you like to see practical examples of how to use the phone for prospecting, dealing with objections, following-up and how about some conversational ways to close the sale?
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