It may surprise you to find that it is easier to make six figures than less. It is also easier to make multiples of that number than it is to stay at the entry point once you have crossed the six figure mark.
This fact may surprise you but it’s actually easier to make six figures than it is to make less.
And once you’ve crossed into six figures it’s easier to make multiples of that magical number than it is to hover at its entry point.
I know this can seem tough to believe right now,

especially if you’re working hard yet seem to be stuck in the mid-to-high five figures.
But let me assure you, after coaching many soul-preneurs™ to break into six figures, I’ve figured out exactly what you need to do, think and believe to make this happen for you too. In fact, I’ve even boiled it down to a simple system that anyone can implement and be successful following.
And just in case you’re thinking, “Sounds great Kendall, but what about the economy?” let me share this with you: the economy may influence HOW you break into six and high-six figures but it won’t influence whether you reach this important goal. You will!
That’s because the system I figured out is recession-proof and in a roller coaster economy actually strengthens your business better than anything else out there.
So let me share with you three QUICK tips you can use right now to set yourself up for six and high-six figure success, okay?
Because what this means for you is not only having more money to spend on the people, experiences and things you value, but also creating an important breakthrough regarding your INNER sense of value too!
6-Figure Tip #1: Identify Your “Dollar Sticky Point”
Many soul-preneurs find themselves stuck at the $60-$80,000 point. Reason why is that this number often represents their old salary from employment days, the amount their “well paid” friends make, or the amount that “seems like” a good 1ncome.
Logically you want to make more but sub-consciously you’re holding an amount that is outdated and doesn’t serve you. That’s what happened for me when I first started out in business. I was stuck at $50,000/year because that was my salary…for years. Talk about past conditioning!
The solution is to start identifying and seeing yourself as someone who makes a lot more. What does this new you look like? What does she wear? What does she spend her money on? The more you play with this exercise the sooner you’ll shift your inner image of yourself to the new, higher paid you!
6-Figure Tip #2: Start Making Decisions As A 6-Figure Business Owner Would
Right now, the decisions, actions and beliefs you make match up perfectly to the 1ncome you’re producing. So all you need to do is gently shift your decisions, actions and beliefs to be the ones a 6-figure, or high 6-figure, business owner makes. You’ll instantly start seeing solutions and opportunities you never did before! And, your 1ncome will quickly catch up to match.
6-Figure Tip #3: Design Your Business To Offer A System, Not Just Services
People feel so much more reassured and comfortable saying “Yes” to investing in a system rather than just a service. For example, my coach training certification program teaches a proven, step-by-step system any coach can easily follow and integrate into their existing business. This gives the coach a marketable system they can instantly use to get new, high-paying business flowing steadily to them.
So think in terms of “steps” when creating your services. Better yet, take the services you already offer and creatively organize them into a system so that your prospective clients can quickly and easily understand what they’ll be getting when they hire you.
6 and High 6-Figures Is More Than Just A Number…
As with anything regarding money, it’s not the amount that matters but the mindset. Making a decision to cross into 6-figures (or to 1ncrease your 1ncome into multi-6 figures) means being willing to look at everything you do differently. Not only will this help you create the 1ncome you want but it will liberate you to be your best self as well!