There are steps each person can take to minimize being taken by a scam. Research is key when looking to become a customer of a company. By doing your research you can get a clear outlook on the company and if you should do business with them.
As of late there have been a couple of programs that are being promoted on the internet that many of us "experienced" program owners and/or marketers find questionable. Well to be quite blunt, they could not possibly deliver what they promise and have in the past experienced unethical business practices and customer issues with their previous sites.
If any program claims to email members of another program and claim double-optin, get clarification, do your research. If any program claims to send mail to millions, really analyze the FAQ and find out who and how they do this. Ask Questions! If they don't state how exactly, then move on.
Anything that is stated on a website should be backed upwith clear data. If you can not verify the statements on thewebsites are true, then sit back and do your research beforeyou put out your hard earned money. Trust me on this, it isalways best to delay a signup and satisfy your own curiosityand possibly even save you a few bucks. Always better tobe safe then sorry. Do not get taken in by the hype ofreaching billions of people for a small fee, it is usually smallfor a reason. If the program is a "scam" or "all BS with nomeat" then you will save a few bucks, not be taken againplus you will help stop lining the pockets of the supposedprogram owner that makes all the promises and deliversnothing.
Please do your research before you purchase any service or product on the internet. It will save you heartache, your money but also the confidence you should have in programs and program owners that are there to help you and do back up what they promise. I am not saying research every program before you sign up, as you know there are quite alot of experienced marketers that have a very goodreputation and if you did search the net for issues regardingthem, you would probably have a hard time finding any. I amsaying to do your research on websites where you are notsure who the owner is or a website that promises a lot butwhen you think about it you wonder if it is even possible ifthey can deliver it. Is there too much hype? Can you clearlysee who owns the site? Do they hide? Are theretestimonials? Is there a phone number as well as address ofthe company clearly displayed? All of the answers to thesequestions should play a big part in your decision when youjoin a program.
When you first look at a website can the following items be easily found?
- Company information
- Owner Information
- Privacy Policy
- Contact information
By researching this information and seeing if the company provides you with multiple ways to contact them show that they will not skip out after you have paid them. Also test out their customer service, ask them about their refund policy before you sign up, ask them about their TOS or what others have found good about the program (testimonies).Wait and see how long it takes them to answer but also thetype of reply they provide. If it is vague and your answersare not truly answered the way you wish, then move on toanother program.
One of the things I do is search for the program throughGoogle. Sometimes it can help reading other customersresults, responses or issues when they joined the website inquestion. Another thing I always do is go to and put in the URL of the program. Icheck to see who owns the domain and website, I use theinformation found on Whois and perform a check throughGoogle for the program owner's name. If I am not sure of thereputation of the owner of a program and before I attach myname to a program or spend my hard earned money signingup, I want to know who I am dealing with. This is especiallytrue for anyone that promotes other peoples programs. Areyou after the quick buck and don't care what happens to thepeople you refer to that website? Or do you truly want torefer others to programs that do deliver what they state?
If you see a website that has one page with no otherinformation and no clear contact information including wherethe company resides, I would think twice before joining itbefore I did some intense research.
By taking the time to research you are giving yourself the tools and the knowledge to make an informed decision. By taking the time, you are also able to share the information you have found and help others make informed decisions.
When it comes to the internet it is easier for some to hide behind websites, make some cash and not back upwhat they promise to deliver. It is time that we as consumersstop lining their pockets and speak up and let them knowwhat we will and will not take.
You are the one that holds the key to the associations you make on the internet. Make associations that will help not harm you and your fellow marketer.
There are hundreds of program owners out there that give you everything you need to make an informed decision stick with the ones that are honest, have ethics and a good reputation.
Your future is in your hands and only your hands. Be informed and do your research! It is your choice - Scammed - To be or Not To be!
Prepare To Avoid Tax Time Crunch
Have you prepared all year for tax time? Organization is the key to avoiding Tax Time Crunch.Is there a REAL person on the Receiving End of your email
Email Correspondance between customers and companies is getting harder and harder with each passing day. This is due to the filtering done by email account services and it makes it harder for the customers to receive the responses they require. There are a few steps a business and also a customer can take to minimize this issue.Is YOUR Password SECURE?
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