6 SEO Pitfalls to Avoid
Learning SEO techniques are essential to bring success to your website but you also has to take care of the pitfall too.
Optimizing your website with SEO techniques is just like walking across a field that are filled with booby traps,

so it does not matter if you are new to the strategy or been doing for quite some time; there are still chances of falling into it. It might cause a substantial effect on your page ranking if you have made this mistake, but the good news is that you can reverse this situation.Here are 6 SEO pitfalls to avoidSEO Pitfall #1 A Big No to Using Flash in your PageFlash is an awesome presentation tool to be used in website but in the aspect of SEO, it cause moreharm to your page ranking because search engine spiders cannot decipher the content that areembedded in the flash files, which means that they are not recognized or indexed.SEO Pitfall #2 Invisible TextAlthough this might be an outdated bad SEO strategy, it is definitely worth a mention to prevent anyoneto make this mistake. Some sites hide text on their webpages in an attempt (For instance, you could useCascading Style Sheet – CSS to define page elements as hidden or text as black on a black background)to artificially increase the keyword relevance. Over the years, the search engine spam filters havedrastically improved that you cannot get any benefits from applying this technique and in worst case,you will get banned from the search engines.SEO Pitfall #3 Splash page are bad for SEOSplash page is the initial home page a visitor will land on upon reaching your site. It can be a page witha large graphic, company logo or even a flash animation with a link to enter the actual site. This is a badmove because of the under-mentioned reasons.1. If a splash page is implemented on your web site, it practically substitute the Home Page and allexternal links to the website will point to this page which has little or even no text for the spider toindex.2. There is only one internal link on the page.3. Splash pages can drive your visitor away too because human are naturally impatient and dislikewaiting. They might just abandon your side and move on to search for something else.SEO Pitfall #4 Duplicate Content has Negative EffectsIt simply means that you have either stole from someone else or plagiarized. This will largely affectyour ranking with traffic losses and the search engines provide less relevant results.SEO Pitfall #5 Simply Long URLsDynamically generated web pages usually has this bad thing that the URL is typically long and complex which is not optimized for either users or search bots. Search bots like short and simple URL and have trouble interpreting long one, especially those that have value after a “?” character. The longer the URL, the less likelihood that it will be indexed by the search engines.SEO Pitfall #6 Mismatched TitlesPut relevant titles on each page of your site and ensure that the title reflected the content because search engines treat the headings of webpages as one of the considering factors to determine a site’s rankings when users search for keywords related to the site.There are a lot of SEO techniques out there that you can implement to increase your page rankings, but before you select them, be cautious not to fall into any of the SEO pitfalls.